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Antioxidant Activity of Crude Peptides Extracted from Dry-cured Jinhua Ham

Ya-ya Hu, Lu-juan Xing, Guang-hong Zhou, Wan-gang Zhang

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2016, 4(6), 377-387 doi:10.12691/jfnr-4-6-6
  • Figure 1. (A) Elution profile of crude peptide on the Sephadex G-25 column
  • Figure 1. (B) DPPH radical scavenging activity. All assays were carried out at the concentration of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mg/mL. The error bars refer to the standard deviations obtained from the triplicate sample analysis. Means with different letters (a-g) differ significantly (P <0.05)
  • Figure 2. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry spectrum of CPC
  • Figure 3. (A) The effects of the different H2O2 concentrations PC12 cell viability
  • Figure 3. (B) The effects of the different CPC concentrations PC12 cell viability
  • Figure 3. (C) the protective effects of CPC on PC12 cells oxidative stress by H2O2. The error bars refer to the standard deviations obtained from the triplicate sample analysis. Means with different letters (a-e) differ significantly (P < 0.05)
  • Figure 4. (A) The effects of the CPC on the CAT activity in PC12 cells subjected to H2O2-induced oxidative damage
  • Figure 4. (B) The effects of the CPC on the SOD activity in PC12 cells subjected to H2O2-induced oxidative damage
  • Figure 4. (C) The effects of the CPC on the GSH-Px activity in PC12 cells subjected to H2O2-induced oxidative damage. The error bars refer to the standard deviations obtained from the triplicate sample analysis. Means with different letters (a-d) differ significantly (P < 0.05)
  • Figure 5. Intracellular ROS scavenging activity of CPC. Increase in fluoresecence intensity of the DCFH-DA-labelled PC12 cells treated with CPC (200 and 400 μg/mL) after oxidation induction by H2O2 (400 μM). The error bars refer to the standard deviations obtained from the triplicate sample analysis. Means with different letters (a-d) differ significantly (P < 0.05)
  • Figure 6. (A) The effect of the CPC on the intracellular caspase-3 activity in PC12 cells subjected to H2O2-induced apoptosis. Means with different letters (a-c) differ significantly (P < 0.05)
  • Figure 6. (B) Apoptosis rate in PC12 cells was assessed by flow cytometry using the annexin V-VITC/PI apoptosis assay after different treatments. The Q2 quadrant indicants the percentage of early apoptotic cells (Annexin V positive cells) and the Q3 quadrant indicates the percentage of late apoptotic cells (Annexin V and PI double positive cells). The error bars refer to the standard deviations obtained from the triplicate sample analysis. Means with different letters (a-c) differ significantly (P < 0.05)