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Chemical Compositions, Nutritional Properties and Volatile Compounds of Guddaim (Grewia Tenax. Forssk) Fiori Fruits

Elmuez Alsir. A. Aboagarib, Ruijin Yang, Xia Hua, Azhari Siddeeg

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2014, 2(4), 187-192 doi:10.12691/jfnr-2-4-9
  • Figure 1. Vitamins content (mg/100 g) of guddaim (Grewia tenax) fruits powder. The pyridoxine (B6) is higher than others vitamins
  • Figure 2. Sugars profile of guddaim (Grewia tenax) fruits powder (mg/g). The glucose extract presented higher among than other sugars
  • Figure 3. Chromatograms of volatile compounds in guddaim fruits. The Acetic acid extract presented as richest profile with a larger peak