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Larvicidal Potential of Pequi (Caryocar Brasiliense Cambess) in Aedes Aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): An Ecological Alternative

Raquel da Silva Vieira, Eduardo José de Arruda, Antônio Pancrácio de Souza, Danilo Tófoli, Rosângela Assis Jacques, Patrick da Silva Mirowski, Ana Cristina Jacobowski, Maria Lígia Rodrigues Macedo, Valter Aragão do Nascimento, Rita de Cássia Avellaneda Guimarães, Paulo Roberto Haidamus de Oliveira Bastos, Danielle Bogo

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2024, 12(3), 160-167 doi:10.12691/jfnr-12-3-8
  • Figure 1. Image of Caryocar Brasiliense. (A) pequi tree (Caryocar brasilense); (B) Cut fruit with exocarp (skin), thick outer mesocarp, and five pyrenes. (C) longitudinal section of a pequi pyrene showing the inner mesocarp (yellow pulp) that covers the endocarp composed of a resistant layer of thorns where it houses the almond. (D) Globose fruit with exocarp or peel. Source: Authors.
  • Figure 2. GC-MS chromatogram of the ethanolic extract of the pulp of the ripe fruit of Caryocar brasiliense
  • Figure 3. Morphology of Aedes aegypti larvae after 24 hours of treatment. (A) – Negative control; (B, C) - 200x magnification; (D, E) - 400x magnification. rs = Respiratory siphon; al = Anal lobe; b = Bristles; ap = Anal papillae; dt = Digestive tube; s = Segments; a = Antennas; c = Chitin. Source: Authors
  • Figure 4. Photomicrographs of vital organs showing H&E staining of liver and kidneys. (A) (300 mg/kg). (B) (2000 mg/kg). (C) (5 mg/kg). (D) (50 mg/kg). Transverse section showing preserved bile duct (BD), Portal Vein (PV), central lobular vein (CV). 100x Increase. Source: Authors
  • Figure 5. Photomicrographs of vital organs showing H&E staining of liver and kidneys. (A) (300 mg/kg). (B) (2000 mg/kg). (C) (5 mg/kg). (D) (50 mg/kg). Transverse section showing preserved renal twilight (rc), Proximal contorted tubule (pt); Distal contorted tubule (dt). 100x Increase. Source: Authors