Figure 1. Changes in (A, D) root dry weight, (B, E) root N concentration, and (C, F) root N content during the days after anthesis stage of two cultivars, YH-20410 (A-C) and YH-618 (D-F), manure partial substitution for chemical fertilizer; WS: water stress; WW: well-watered. Values with different letters on the same sampling day indicate significant differences at P<0.05


Regulation Effects of Nitrogen on Light Adapted State of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Nutrient Cycling and Nitrogen Management

Qiao Peng, Guo Jingli, Tian Yanyan, Liu Xiangfeng, Wang Yingtao, Aamir Ali, Fida Noor

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023, 11(10), 638-645 doi:10.12691/jfnr-11-10-5