Figures index


Dietary Supplement Use among Children Whose Parents Work at National Research Centre: A Pilot Study

Sara F Sallam, Amal Hassanien, Hala H El Ashry, Amina H. Awad, Iman H Kamel, Nihad H Ahmed, Alshaimaa F. Kamal, Saneya A. Wahba

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023, 11(1), 102-108 doi:10.12691/jfnr-11-1-10
  • Figure 1. Dietary supplement use during COVID -19 pandemic (n=130) 9Responder can choose more than one choice for the same child)
  • Figure 2. Sources of information about dietary supplements use during the pandemic (Responder can choose more than one choice for the same child)