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Impacts of Nitrogen Deficiency on Soluble Sugar Content and Photosynthetic Characteristics Grain Protein of Winter Wheat (
Triticum aestivum
Hafeez Noor, Peiru Wang, Min Sun, Aixia Ren, Fida Noor, Zhiqiang Gao
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
, 10(4), 250-260 doi:10.12691/jfnr-10-4-1
Table 1. Effect of nitrogen rate on soluble sugar content, sucrose content and starch content in grains of winter wheat
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Table 2. Effects of different sowing methods and grain yield of winter wheat. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0:05) among treatments within a growth stage by Fisher's least significant difference
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Table 3. Effects of nitrogen rate on grain protein and component contents at maturity Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0:05) among treatments within a growth stage by Fisher's least significant difference
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