Figures index


Comparison of Kernel Selection for Support Vector Machines Using Diabetes Dataset

Tapas Ranjan Baitharu, Subhendu Ku. Pani, Sunil kumar Dhal

Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications. 2015, 3(6), 181-184 doi:10.12691/jcsa-3-6-14
  • Figure 1. Visualize ThresholdCurve using Normalized Poly Kernel of SMO(Class Value:Tested Negative and Tested Positive)
  • Figure 2. Visualize Threshold Curve using RBF Kernel of SMO (Class Value: Tested Negative and Tested Positive)
  • Figure 3. Visualize Threshold Curve using Linear Kernel of SMO(Class Value: Tested Negative and Tested Positive)
  • Figure 4. Visualize Threshold Curve using Puk Kernel of SMO(Class Value: Tested Negative and Tested Positive)
  • Figure 5. Accuracy Comaprision of different Kernels of SVM