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The Relationship between Workaholism and Employee Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Balance (WFB)
Yasmin Khaled Abdel Maksoud, Mohamed Saad
Journal of Business and Management Sciences
, 10(4), 220-232 doi:10.12691/jbms-10-4-5
Table 1. Reliability and intrinsic validity for research constructs
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Table 2. Descriptive statistics for independent, mediator and dependent constructs
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Table 3. Pearson correlation matrix to measure a significant linear relationship between constructs of Workaholism, Work-Family Balance (WFB), and Employee Wellbeing
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Table 4. Regression weights according to Maximum Likelihood Estimate
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Table 5. Standardized direct and indirect Effects
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Table 6. The Goodness of Fit Indices for the SEM
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