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Microbial Degradation of 3-Chloroanilne by two Bacterial Strains isolated from Common Effluent Treatment Plant
Maulin P Shah
Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology
, 2(4), 155-165 doi:10.12691/jaem-2-4-9
Figure 1.
Degradation 0f 3-CA in MMN-CA as sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy in C. testosterone (♦), D. acidovorans (▲), C (●) and BN3.1 (■). Data points are averages for duplicate cultures
Full size figure and legend
Figure 2.
HPLC chromatogram for MMN-CAP medium, incubated with
B at day 0 and at day 4. The inset shows strain B grown on MMN-CAP plates. The colonies are surrounded by a brown color
Full size figure and legend
Figure 3.
GC-MS mass spectrum of the brown intermediate, obtained after incubating MMN-CAP with
D. acidovorans
Full size figure and legend
Figure 4.
Growth of C. testosterone A in MMN + 3-CA during 4 days. Degradation of 3-CA(♦) in relation to the cell growth (■) and accumulation of te intermediate (peak at 380 nm) (●) is shown. The inset showa the coloration of the MMN-CA medium after 0 hours (left) and after 80 hours (right is shown)
Full size figure and legend
Figure 5.
Wavelength scans during the growth of
C. testosteroni
A in MMN + 3-CA during 4 days. The arrows indicate the changes at a particular wavelength in function of time
Full size figure and legend
Figure 6.
Restriction digestion analysis and Southern hybridization. (A) Analysis on a 0.7% agarose gel of
I-digested plasmids. (B and C) Hybridization with
(B) and IS
(C). Lane 1,
C. testosteroni
A (plasmid pNB2); lane 2,
D. acidovorans
C (plasmid pNB1); lane 3,
D. acidovorans
B (plasmid pB8c); lane 4,
CA28 (plasmid pC1); lane 5,
D. acidovorans
BN3.1 (plasmid pB1); lane a, DIG-labeled Marker II (Hoffmann-La Roche); lane b, 1-kb extended marker. The Southern blot in panel C was obtained from a gel different from that shown in panel A and B, but containing the same DNA samples
Full size figure and legend
Figure 7.
Degradation of 3-CA in MMN-CAP as sole source of nitrogen by D. acidovorans CA28 (♦); JMP228gfp (□); JMP228gfp (pC1-1) (▲); JMP228gfp (pC1-2) (■) and JMP228gfp (pC1-3) (●). Data points are averages of duplicate cultures and error bars represent standard deviations
Full size figure and legend
Figure 8.
Chloride release after 70 hours if incubation of 3-CA in MMN-CAP as sole source of nitrogen by D. acidovorans CA28 (♦); JMP228gfp (□); JMP228gfp (pC1-1) (▲); JMP228gfp (pC1-2) (■) and JMP228gfp (pC1-3) (●). Data points are averages of duplicate cultures and error bars represent standard deviations
Full size figure and legend
Figure 9.
DGGE analysis of
fragments of different strains capable of degrading aniline and 3-CA
Full size figure and legend
Figure 10.
Hybridization with
of the total RNA of
C. testosteroni
A and
CA28, grown in LB, LB-aniline and LB-3-CA
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