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Microbial Degradation of 3-Chloroanilne by two Bacterial Strains isolated from Common Effluent Treatment Plant

Maulin P Shah

Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2014, 2(4), 155-165 doi:10.12691/jaem-2-4-9
  • Figure 1. Degradation 0f 3-CA in MMN-CA as sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy in C. testosterone (♦), D. acidovorans (▲), C (●) and BN3.1 (■). Data points are averages for duplicate cultures
  • Figure 2. HPLC chromatogram for MMN-CAP medium, incubated with D. acidovorans B at day 0 and at day 4. The inset shows strain B grown on MMN-CAP plates. The colonies are surrounded by a brown color
  • Figure 3. GC-MS mass spectrum of the brown intermediate, obtained after incubating MMN-CAP with D. acidovorans B
  • Figure 4. Growth of C. testosterone A in MMN + 3-CA during 4 days. Degradation of 3-CA(♦) in relation to the cell growth (■) and accumulation of te intermediate (peak at 380 nm) (●) is shown. The inset showa the coloration of the MMN-CA medium after 0 hours (left) and after 80 hours (right is shown)
  • Figure 5. Wavelength scans during the growth of C. testosteroni A in MMN + 3-CA during 4 days. The arrows indicate the changes at a particular wavelength in function of time
  • Figure 6. Restriction digestion analysis and Southern hybridization. (A) Analysis on a 0.7% agarose gel of EcoRI-PstI-digested plasmids. (B and C) Hybridization with tdnQ (B) and IS1071 (C). Lane 1, C. testosteroni A (plasmid pNB2); lane 2, D. acidovorans C (plasmid pNB1); lane 3, D. acidovorans B (plasmid pB8c); lane 4, D. acidovorans CA28 (plasmid pC1); lane 5, D. acidovorans BN3.1 (plasmid pB1); lane a, DIG-labeled Marker II (Hoffmann-La Roche); lane b, 1-kb extended marker. The Southern blot in panel C was obtained from a gel different from that shown in panel A and B, but containing the same DNA samples
  • Figure 7. Degradation of 3-CA in MMN-CAP as sole source of nitrogen by D. acidovorans CA28 (♦); JMP228gfp (□); JMP228gfp (pC1-1) (▲); JMP228gfp (pC1-2) (■) and JMP228gfp (pC1-3) (●). Data points are averages of duplicate cultures and error bars represent standard deviations
  • Figure 8. Chloride release after 70 hours if incubation of 3-CA in MMN-CAP as sole source of nitrogen by D. acidovorans CA28 (♦); JMP228gfp (□); JMP228gfp (pC1-1) (▲); JMP228gfp (pC1-2) (■) and JMP228gfp (pC1-3) (●). Data points are averages of duplicate cultures and error bars represent standard deviations
  • Figure 9. DGGE analysis of tdnQ fragments of different strains capable of degrading aniline and 3-CA
  • Figure 10. Hybridization with tdnQ of the total RNA of C. testosteroni A and D. acidovorans CA28, grown in LB, LB-aniline and LB-3-CA