Figures index


The Origin of the Time Scale: A Crucial Issue for Predictive Microbiology

Alberto Schiraldi

Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2022, 10(1), 35-42 doi:10.12691/jaem-10-1-4
  • Figure 1. Sketch of the ideal growth curve according to the proposed model. The latency gap of the present model substantially differs from the lag phase, λ, considered in preexisting models [7]
  • Figure 2. Gathered growth curves from a variety of microbes (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Salmonellae, C. jejuni, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Candida sake) adjusted from [18]. For further data, see also Figure 2 in [21]
  • Figure 3. The origin of the time scale of the microbial culture, θ, differs from that of the experimenter, t. The dashed line that allows calculation of θ0 corresponds to the level –β/8. For 0 < θ < θ0, the microbial culture experiences activities related to the incoming duplication (active latency gap). Plate count data come from a batch culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 5°C [26]. Calculated values: tstart = -20 h; t0 = 12 h; θ0 = 32 h
  • Figure 4. Growth curves from different N0 inoculums, at the same temperature, aligned along the same straight line that corresponds to the same maximum specific duplication rate, μ
  • Figure 5. The width of the active latency gap, θ0, vanishes for log2(N0) = log2(Nmax)/9. At a given T, θ0 increases on increasing log2(N0), but decreases on increasing T. Its upper limit, log2(Nmax)/μ, decreases on increasing T
  • Figure 6. The maximum specific duplication rate increases with increasing temperature, while no significant changes concern the maximum population density, Nmax. Such a behavior occurs for the batch cultures of psychrotrophic bacteria [21]
  • Figure 7. The change of the temperature from T1 to T2 or T3 (T2 > T1 > T3) modifies the growth trend. θchange, is the new origin of the time scale for the culture and the corresponding level of the cell population is the new log2(N0). (θ0,2 – θchange) and (θ0,3 – θchange) are the intermediate latency gaps for the T1 → T2 and T1 → T3 temperature changes