Figure 3. The origin of the time scale of the microbial culture, θ, differs from that of the experimenter, t. The dashed line that allows calculation of θ0 corresponds to the level –β/8. For 0 < θ < θ0, the microbial culture experiences activities related to the incoming duplication (active latency gap). Plate count data come from a batch culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 5°C [26]. Calculated values: tstart = -20 h; t0 = 12 h; θ0 = 32 h


The Origin of the Time Scale: A Crucial Issue for Predictive Microbiology

Alberto Schiraldi

Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2022, 10(1), 35-42 doi:10.12691/jaem-10-1-4