Figure 5. 9 different spiral patterns produced by the model. The parameters for generating each pattern are listed below: a: ρ = 0.6; b: ρ = 0.7; c: ρ = 1.4; d: ρ = 1*(1+0.0048*θ); e: ρ = 0.5*(1+0.05*θ); f: ρ = 0.56; g: ρ = 1*(1 + 0.022*θ); h: ρ = 1*tg(0.17*θ); i: ρ = 0.6 *tg(0.28*θ)


New Formulas and Mechanism for the Spiral Arm Formation of Galaxies

Hongjun Pan

International Journal of Physics. 2019, 7(3), 73-85 doi:10.12691/ijp-7-3-2