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Application of Complex Rotation Method for Calculate to Correlation Factor and the 2sns
, 2snp
, 2pnp
, 3d4d
Autoionizing States of He-like Atoms
B. Sow, A. Diouf, Y. Gning, B. Diop, M. Sow, A. Wague
International Journal of Physics
, 6(6), 174-180 doi:10.12691/ijp-6-6-1
Table 1. Energy doubly excited 2sns +1,3Se states of He-like systems (2-10). Both Energy and widths are expressed in rydbergs
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Table 2. Energy doubly excited 2snp +1,3P0 states of He-like systems (2-10). Both Energy and widths are expressed in rydbergs
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Table 3. Energy doubly excited 2pnp +1,3De states of He-like systems (2-10). Both Energy and widths are expressed in rydbergs
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Table 4. Energy doubly excited 3d4d +1,3Ge states of He-like systems (2-10). Both Energy and widths are expressed in rydbergs
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Table 5. Comparison of resonance positions (Er) for the 2sns 1,3Se states of He-like ions with (Z=2-10)
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Table 6. Comparison of resonance positions (Er) for the 2snp 1,3P0 states of He-like ions with (Z=2-10)
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Table 7. Comparison of resonance positions (Er) for the 2pnp 1,3De states of He-like ions with (Z=2-10)
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Table 8. Comparison of resonance positions (Er) for the 3d4d 1,3Ge states of He-like ions with (Z=2-10)
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Table 9. Comparison of resonance widths (Γ) for the (2s3s 1Se, 2s2p 1,3P0, 2p3p1,3De , 3d4d 1,3Ge) states of helium-like ions with (Z=2–10)
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