Figures index


Measurement of Indoor Radon Concentration in Various Dwellings of Baghdad Iraq

Nada F. Tawfiq, Noora O. Rasheed, Asmaa Ahmad Aziz

International Journal of Physics. 2015, 3(5), 202-207 doi:10.12691/ijp-3-5-1
  • Figure 1. Sketch map shows locations of study samples in Baghdad governorate
  • Figure 2. The relation of radon concentration and track density in standard samples
  • Figure 3. The histogram of radon concentration CRn (Bq/m3) in Baghdad Governorate
  • Figure 4. The histogram of Potential Alpha Energy Concentration (PAEC) (WL)
  • Figure 5. The histogram of the Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE) (mSv/y)