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Inversion of the Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Paradigm Demystifies the Protein Folding and Self-Assembly of Problems
Arieh Ben-Naim
International Journal of Physics
, 1(3), 66-71 doi:10.12691/ijp-1-3-2
Figure 1
. (a)The process of transferring a methane molecule from water into an organic liquid. (b) The process of transferring a methyl group (blue disk) attached to a protein from water into the interior of the protein
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Figure 2
(a) Solvation of a non-polar molecule in water. (b) onditional solvation of a non-polar group attached to non-polar backbone. (c) onditional solvation of a non-polar group attached to polar backbone
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Figure 3
Two HΦI groups at a distance of 25A (a), can be bridged by a water molecule. This is the same distance as the second nearest neighbors in ice (b)
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Figure 4
The dependence of the standard Gibbs energy of dimerization of two globular proteins as a function of the radius of the protein, for different values of the mole fraction of the hydrophilic groups
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Figure 5.
Water-bridges connecting two globular proteins
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