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Surface Registration Accuracy of Clinically Obtained Intraoral Optical Scans with Manually Threshold Segmented CBCT Data

Krzysztof Andruch, Mariusz Malecki

International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2020, 8(1), 7-16 doi:10.12691/ijdsr-8-1-2
  • Figure 1. Example of the four different CBCT segmentation thresholds (Ez3DPlus software) : A – first threshold, B – second threshold, C – third threshold, D – fourth threshold.
  • Figure 2. Sample results of statistical calculations from CloudCompare collected in the form of screenshots: A – table from which the mean distance between clouds of the examined models was read, B – graph from which the Gaussian mean and standard deviation were read
  • Figure 3. The process of superimposing the model segmented from CBCT (yellow) onto the reference model obtained from the optical scan (red). A – first manual registration of the models; B – models cut off after automatic registration; C – models with contact points removed after subsequent automatic registration
  • Figure 4. The values of mean distance, standard deviation and Gaussian mean observed in the study
  • Figure 5. The correlation between the segmentation threshold and the mean distance
  • Figure 6. The correlation between the segmentation threshold and the Gaussian mean
  • Figure 7. The correlation between the segmentation threshold and the Gaussian standard deviation
  • Figure 8. An example of an object composed of a point cloud created after performing statistical calculations which shows the average distances between the examined
  • Figure 9. Visible artefacts left after segmentation and processing of models: A – STL model developed based on CBCT scan (Meshmixer); B – red model-optical scan, yellow STL model based on CBCT scan (CloudCompare)
  • Figure 10. The impact of CBCT imaging quality on the smoothness of segmented surfaces. Two images taken by different devices arranged side by side. A – Vatech Pax-I 3d Green Corea; B – PaxReve3D Corea