Figures index


Alveolar Bone Preservation. Biological Basis and Techniques

Alaa Abdelhamid

International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2017, 5(3), 56-68 doi:10.12691/ijdsr-5-3-3
  • Figure 1. The five stages of extraction socket healing
  • Figure 2. The five stages of extraction socket healing modified with socket preservation techniques
  • Figure 3. (Left) Grade I socket with an intact buccal plate demonstrating less than 25% bone loss; (Center) Grade II socket showing fissure, dehiscence, and approximately 50% buccal plate loss; (Right) Grade III socket with more than 50% buccal plate loss
  • Figure 4. Sagittal cross sections of CBCT images depicting Grade I (Left), Grade II (Center), and Grade III (Right) sockets. Note the level of the buccal plate relative to the cementoenamel junction that is elucidated by this cross-cut
  • Figure 5. (Left) Example of adequate interproximal bone. The periodontium is healthy, and the bony peeks on either side of the extraction socket are aiding in supporting the interproximal papilla. (Right) A mildly reduced periodontium. Interproximal bone is present; there is enough bone to support full papilla in the embrasure spaces of the natural dentition