Figure 3. Price ratios (PRs) of GF items in the shopping basket across all supermarkets included in this study. ‘A’, average PRs in relation to each available GF items in the shopping basket across all supermarkets included in this study. Error bars represent the standard deviation of the PR per line item. ‘B’, the spread of PRs of each available GF items in the shopping basket across all supermarkets included in this study. The box represents the interquartile range (central 50%) of the data, while the whiskers (viz. error bars) represent either the upper or lower 25 % of the average PRs. Black bars, 2015; white bars, 2019


Gluten-free Products in the UK Retail Environment. Availability, Pricing, Consumer Opinions in a Longitudinal Study

Frank Vriesekoop, Emily Wright, Stephanie Swinyard, Wim de Koning

International Journal of Celiac Disease. 2020, 8(3), 95-103 doi:10.12691/ijcd-8-3-5