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Bioaccumulation and Translocation of Heavy Metals from Coastal Soil by Wild Halophytes
Yasser A. El-Amier, Suliman M. Alghanem, Fahad M. Alzuaibr
American Journal of Environmental Protection
, 5(2), 52-60 doi:10.12691/env-5-2-4
Table 1. List of native plant species and their respective families
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Table 2. Soil analysis collected from the Deltaic Mediterranean coast during winter (2017)
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Table 3. Total metals concentration (μgg−1 dry weight) in soil from the Deltaic Mediterranean coast during winter (2017)
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Table 4. Mean concentration (μg.g−1 dry weight) of total heavy metals ± standard deviation in tissues of studied halophytes during winter (2017)
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Table 5. Bioaccumulation of metals in roots, shoots, and their transfer factors in contaminated sites
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Table 6. Inter-correlations between the heavy metals in soil, roots, and shoots of the plant species
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