Figures index


Impact of Climate Change on Life and Livelihood of Indigenous People of Higher Himalaya in Uttarakhand, India

Piyoosh Rautela, Bhavna Karki

American Journal of Environmental Protection. 2015, 3(4), 112-124 doi:10.12691/env-3-4-2
  • Figure 1. Location of the four valleys taken up under the present study
  • Figure 2. Location of the villages covered under the study in Bhagirathi valley of Uttarkashi district
  • Figure 3. Location of the villages covered under the study in Niti valley of Chamoli district
  • Figure 4. Location of the villages covered under the study in Johar valley of Pithoragarh district
  • Figure 5. Diagram depicting age profile of the respondents in the four valleys of the study area (n=871)
  • Figure 6. Diagram showing perception of the respondents towards climate change (n=871)
  • Figure 7. Diagram depicting perception of the respondents to change in precipitation regime
  • Figure 8. Diagram showing perception of the respondents to change in the timing of seasons
  • Figure 9. Diagram depicting impact of climate change on life support strategy of the rspondents
  • Figure 10. Diagram depicting coping mechanisms adopted by the respondents