Tables index


Impact of Integrating Videos and Animations on Conceptual Understanding of Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology. A Case of Applied Science and Technology First-year Students at Mukuba University

Richard Moombe Kalenga, Mafunase Mwale, Susan Mwelwa

American Journal of Educational Research. 2020, 8(7), 485-490 doi:10.12691/education-8-7-6
  • Table 1. Average Achievement in the two Groups before Intervention
  • Table 2. Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances
  • Table 3. Pretest Independent Samples t-test Results
  • Table 4. Posttest Descriptive Statistics in the Control and Experimental Groups
  • Table 5. Posttest Independent Samples t-test
  • Table 6. Pre-intervention Students’ perceptions of cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology in the control group
  • Table 7. Post-intervention Students’ perceptions of cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology in the Experimental Group