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Improving IPS Learning Results through Learning Media Playing King Ludo

Iwan , Eko Siswono, Durotul Yatimah, Adi Apriadi Adiansha
American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(8), 1078-1084. DOI: 10.12691/education-6-8-3
Published online: February 12, 2019


The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about the use of learning media to play king ludo in improving IPS learning outcomes. This research was conducted on the fourth-grade students of SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Bekasi, amounting to 30 students. The process of collecting data through IPS and non-test results of learning results of observation of instructional learning media play king ludo by using observation sheet of teacher and student activity and documentation result. The result of this research is the improvement of learning subject of IPS by applying learning media to play king ludo. The results showed that the pre-cycle results data with an average value of 60.06 or 43.75%, in cycle I showed that the average value of 70.97 or 53.13% and in cycle II showed that the average value of 78.90 or 90.62%. It shows that learning media playing king ludo can improve IPS learning the result.

1. Introduction

IPS Education in Elementary School (SD) is an education that has an important purpose in developing the curriculum in schools and then applied to the student learning environment. According to Banks Education IPS that The social studies that part of the elementary and high school curriculum which has the primary responsibility for helping to develop the knowledge, skill, attitude, and values ​​needed to participate in the civic life of their local communities the nation- and the world. 1

In IPS learning, a teacher should not only transfer knowledge, but it is also good to use instructional media that make students more active in the learning process so that the results achieved in IPS learning is better. Hariata explained that the purpose of IPS learning is To invite students to know more closely to the environment where he lives and invites students to socialize with friends and surrounding residents. Lack of students' thinking ability in IPS learning is also caused by lack of variation of model or instructional media used by the teacher. 2

Viewed from the field, in IPS lessons teachers more often use conventional learning where teachers mastered fully (teacher centered) and students only as audiences in learning. Learning activities resulted in students feel quickly bored in following the learning. Students also consider the IPS lesson is a lesson that only accepts and memorizes the material presented by the teacher.

Based on the observations made in class V SDN Harapan Jaya Beach 01 Muara Gembong Subdistrict of Bekasi Regency in the study of IPS with the subject of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in the learning process of teachers using the media of conversational learning without involving students, resulting in the result of IPS learning with the subject NKRI very low, the average value of the final exam Semester (UAS) IPS is still below the minimum score of Minimum Criteria (KKM) that has been determined in school.

The family situation of students, in general, is a family pre prosperous, the support of home study environment is still less than enough, but there are some students who have a good learning environment and conducive to study at home is still limited to orders from parents, students do not have a big learning awareness to use home study time. The majority of the students are the children of a farmer, the busyness of the parents of the students is to go to fields, fields or ponds which leave in the morning and return home in the afternoon, causing the lack of attention of parents to study students at home because parents are tired of their daily activities.

Peers can influence the learning process of students, both peers within the scope of the school, all students are generally quite good and communicative. However, at the age of the children, the soul is still unstable, emotional, angry, and selfishness too great. Usually, there is violence at school by peers or playmates. It is caused by differences or even competition that leads to mutual mockery, encourage, even verbal violence.

 When the rainy season comes the condition of the road, and the school also did not escape from the puddle of the flood of rainwater or flood of rising sea surface north of Java, natural condition like this very often disrupt learning activity of teaching either student or educator, all of it can decrease student learning result. When obstacles arise in learning, these barriers must be addressed immediately. To overcome these obstacles then the learning process can run well and can achieve maximum learning results. How to overcome barriers to learning can start with the children, family, and school.

Some other things that cause low student learning outcomes are not using the right learning media. During this time the teacher only uses the map area, consequently the students look less enthusiasm to learn, students talk a lot with friends during the learning process took place, some students also look sleepy so do not pay attention to teacher explanation. In the conditions mentioned above, the students' learning outcomes are low. The results of IPS study are still many values that are below the KKM value of 32 students only 10 students or 31.25% who achieved values above the KKM, while the Minimum Criterion score ≥ 75.

Shambaugh and Magliaro define Learning Outcomes that Learning outcomes are a broad category that includes learning goals and learning objectives. Determining learning outcomes is necessary before you can make decisions on assessment and teaching strategies. Learning outcomes are overarching the term that involves how you., Your school your school district, or your state specifies what students will learn. 3

According to Hamalik, the learning outcome is a behavioral change that occurs to a person from who does not know to know. Changes in behavior that include learning outcomes include knowledge, emotional, understanding, social relationships, habits, skills, ethics or manners, appreciation and attitude. 4, 5 It is clear that the changes that occur as a result of learning do not arise simply because learning more requires conscious activity, a psychic activity, and exercises. The process that occurs because of the stimulation from outside the individual self, which resulted in changes in various aspects of personality.

Jaurena and Softic in Aligning learning outcomes and assessment methods: a web tool for e-learning courses define the learning outcomes that A learning outcome approach to learning and a learning-oriented assessment is increasingly framing higher education. In an attempt to facilitate professors' teaching activities, the TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning) project has been developed. Based on a conceptual model (ALOA) built upon Bloom's revised taxonomy of learning objectives of the cognitive domain, the web tool automatically aligns learning outcomes. 6

Problems of low learning outcomes of students on IPS learning need to find a solution for learning that can be implemented to provide optimal results. One solution is to apply a learning medium that can create a comfortable learning environment for students. The use of instructional media is also expected to assist students in improving student learning outcomes. Learning media must be in accordance with learning materials that will be delivered to students, so that in achieving the learning objectives very effective and efficient.

Learning media as a vehicle to provide learning experiences, as a means of communication in order to streamline the teaching and learning process, one of the enjoyable learning media in learning is the learning media playing King Ludo, this game media in accordance with the psychology of learners, students master the balance of physical, motor, cognitive, social and mental so that the game media in learning using King Ludo's pioneering media.

According to Husna in Meiliasari argues that: Media game ludo is a media that uses a ludo board that contains images as a media game and role play. Each player has a piece that is placed on a ludo board that has the same color as the color of the home as his home. The player who first repatriates him is the winner. 7

Alvi and Ahmed in Amkas argue that: Ludo's game is a traditional game played by 2 to 4 players. In the game Ludo, the players must set a strategy to run four pawn pieces by using the value of the dice to achieve the goal to win the game. Ludo, a derivative of Pachisi is a race match with 2 to 4 players. Each player is represented with one color ie red, green, blue and yellow, and has four parts. The first player who surrounds the four pieces around the board and into the home area is the winner. The obstacles to achieving this goal include the path used along with the opponent and are eliminated from the opponent's cut path. 8

The steps in the use of game king Ludo Ludo in this study are as follows: a) Initial mode, each player performs hum-pin-pa and suit to determine the first, second, third or fourth player; b) The player chooses the color to be played, then puts four pawns that match the color of the selected home base; c) The player throws dice alternately; d) To be able to issue a pawn to the game path, the player must get six points from the thrown dice; e) The player moves the pawn that is already on the game path according to the resulting dice; f) The player will answer the contents of his points in accordance with the contents of the numbers on the home base; g) The player answers the question of the number then the player will earn points to continue again to the next game; h) If the player gets a further six, then the player can choose to move the pawn that is on the track or pull out the pawn that is in the home base; i) If the number six appears the player can dice again, and there is no limit if the throated dice produces six consecutive numbers; j) If the player pawn stops where the opponent has pawn then the opponent's pawn dies and re-enters the opponent's home base; k) If the player pawn stops in a place filled with his own pawn, then the pawn will stack up to make the castle and the opponent pawn can not pass whatever the number produced by the dice, l) Pawns that have passed through one turn into the colored path according to the color of the pawn; m) The pawn will not move if the resulting dice numbers are not yet fit to enter the finish. Example: The pawn only takes three more steps to the finish, but the resulting number of dice is four, then the pawn will advance three steps and go back one step. And so on until the pawn made it to the finish.

In these steps, it can be seen in parts of the king ludo game, among which are the following:

Based on the problems related to the above description, the research using classroom action research methods, action research is the research done on the existing problems in learning, through classroom action research is expected to overcome the problem of learning and can know the professionalism teacher, hence the title of this research is " Increased IPS Learning Outcomes Through King Ludo's Learning Media Learning In Grade V Students Discussion on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Kecamatan Muara Gembong Kabupaten Bekasi".

1.1. Research Focus

Based on the background of the above problems, the focus of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of IPS Students by using the King Ludo Learning Learning Media on Grade V Students of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Kecamatan Muara Gembong Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun.

1.2. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background problems and focus of the research above, then the formulation of the problem in this study are as follows; 1) Will the student's IPS learning outcomes be improved through King Ludo's Learning Learning Media on the V-Grade Students of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Muara Gembong Sub-district of Bekasi Regency?; 2) How to improve students' IPS learning outcomes through King Ludo's Learning Media Learning on V-grade students The subject of the Republic of Indonesia at SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Kecamatan Muara Gembong Bekasi District?

2. Methods

The research method used is Action Reseach. According to Carr and Kemmis in Wardani explained that Action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participant (teachers, students or participants, for example) in social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (1) their own social or educational practices, (2) their understanding of these practices, and the situations (and institutions) in which the practices are carried out. 9 This was stated by Sanford, "Analysis, fact-finding, conceptualization, planning, execution, more fact-finding or evaluation; and then a repetition of this whole circle of activities; indeed, a spiral of such circles. 10, 11

According Kemmis in Arikunto explains that action research is a form of self-reflection research conducted by participants in social situations (including education) to improve their own practice. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the practice and the circumstances in which the practice will be undertaken. There are two main points in action research: improvement and involvement. This will direct the purpose of action research into three areas: (1) to improve practice; (2) for professional development in the sense of improving the practitioner's ability or understanding of the practice; and (3) to improve the circumstances or circumstances in which the practice is carried out. 11

Stringer explains that action research as "discipline inquiry (research) which seeks to improve the quality of people's organizational, community, and family lives." 12 Meanwhile, according to Kemmis and Carr, action research a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants (b) understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations (and institutions) in which these practices are carried out. 12 Arikunto, Suhardjono, and Supardi, action research is a reflection of learning activities in the form of an action, which is deliberately raised and occurs in a class together. 11

The action research used in this research is using Kemmis and Mc Taggart model. The study designs were used in accordance with the action study random. This action research was conducted in an attempt to improve the learning outcomes of IPS through King Ludo's Learning Media Players on V-class Students of the Republic of Indonesia, through the giving of actions initiated by a learning plan and followed by action in the classroom as well as reflection on the initial action and planning after learning.

Sources of data in the implementation of this research are the students of class V SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 as the object of research which amounted to 32 students, consisting of 17 male 15 female which used as research about see student learning result in following learning process.

The success of achieving the goal can be seen from the success of the teacher teaching completely that is 100% of the student's success is 80% of students who are in class V get the value above the completeness criteria of at least 70. If learning has reached the targeted results, then the study is said to be completed and not continued to the next cycle.

3. Results

3.1. Pre-Cycle Research Result Data

Pre-cycle test results show that the average score of students only reaches 66.06, with reference to the KKM of 70, with a value of 85 and the value of 85 and the minimum value of 50. From the table results of pre-cycle values can be described in the form of diagrams as follows:

Based on these data show that students' understanding of IPS lesson material shown with student learning outcomes before the action of research is still low, not in line with expectations. The result of observation of learning activity shows that most of the student's attitude toward learning process and result are still passive and low learning motivation. This matter can be seen from the lack of motivation of student in following learning activity, activation of question and answer question which still very low. The low learning outcomes of these students have a negative impact on student learning outcomes are still low.

3.2. Cycle Research Result Data I

In starting the Game, he students selected to play the game first throw the dice and then answer the questions provided by the teacher. Kemudain teacher describes and develops learning materials related to the history of Indonesian civilization, by showing the world map and pictures of other places. This is done as a start in learning for students to observe directly from the answers that students have. Teachers less emphasize and provide motivation in order to generate more interest and a deep curiosity about learning materials. The result of the permission of the king ludo can be seen in the picture as follows:

The results of the first cycle test showed that the average score of students reached 70.97, with reference to KKM of 70, the complete student as many as 17 students or 53.13%, while the students who have not completed as many as 15 students or 46.88%. This shows that the improvement of student learning outcomes is still lacking because of almost half of the students who have not achieved the learning outcomes that reach KKM. The results of the evaluation test to measure students' understanding of the subject matter that has been submitted, obtained data as follows:

From the table results of the value of cycle I above, it can be described in the form of diagrams as follows:

3.2. Cycle Research Result Data II

The results of the research in cycle II showed that the process of learning implementation by using game king ludo increased and gave birth to innovation in learning. In initiating the learning students are required to observe directly and answer at each point of the question. The result of answering the question can be seen in the picture below:

The results of the second cycle test showed that the average score of students reached 78.90, with reference to KKM of 70, then the complete student as many as 29 students or 90.62%, while the students who have not completed as many as 3 students or 9.37%. This shows that the improvement in students' learning outcomes shows that they have reached a predetermined KKM.

From the table results of cycle II values above, it can be described in the form of diagrams as follows:

4. Discussion

Data analysis was performed by using a simple statistical technique that is by using descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is a model of analysis by comparing the average percentage. From the result of learning evaluation test to know the result of student learning, obtained data as follows:

Based on the average value per cycle can be described in the form of diagrams as follows:

Meanwhile, if based on the students' learning mastery can be described in the form of a bar chart as follows:

Based on the above tables and diagrams it can be seen that there is an increase in student learning outcomes on the subject matter shown by student learning outcomes from pre-cycle to cycle II. In the Pre-Cycle, the average student score is only 60.06 with a classical mastery of 43.75%. In Cycle I, the average score of students is 70.97 with the classical completeness of 53.13%. Cycle II student average score of 78.90 with classical completeness reach 90.62%.

5. Conclude

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, can be drawn some conclusions as follows:

a) The success of IPS learning The students of grade V SDN Harapan Jaya Beach 01 Bekasi about student learning outcomes is marked by the average increase of student test result in cycle I of 70.97 to cycle II of 78.90. Improvement is also marked by the achievement of learning mastery. In the first cycle students who have reached KKM amounted to 53.13% and students in cycle II increased to 90.62%.

b) Application of learning media to play king ludo can improve learning result of IPS in class V student of Republic Unity of Republic Indonesia at SDN Pantai Harapan Jaya 01 Kecamatan Muara Gembong Bekasi Regency Lesson Year 2017/2018.


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[7]  Ellis Meiliasari., Efforts to Increase IPS Learning Outcomes through Ludo Game Players Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in Grade V Students of SD Negeri Gumpang 01 Kartasura Lesson Year 2010/2011 (Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2011).
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[8]  Sasmita Sindy Intan Mawarni Amkas, I Made Tegeh, Luh Putu Putrini Mahadewi., Media Development Ludo Word Game Student Class IV SDN 1 Banjar Bali Lesson Year 2017/2018 (e-Journal Edutech Department of Educational Technology Vol. 8 No. 2 : Ganesha University of Education, 2017).
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[9]  Wardani, I.G.A.K., Classroom Action Research (Jakarta: Open University, 2006).
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[10]  Agung, Iskandar., Classroom Action Research Guide for Teachers (Jakarta: Bestari Buana Murni, 2012).
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[11]  Suharsimi Arikunto, Suhardjono, Supardi, Classroom Action Research (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2012).
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[12]  E. Mulyasa, Becoming a Professional Teacher Creating Creative and Joyful Learning (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2013).
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Published with license by Science and Education Publishing, Copyright © 2018 Iwan, Eko Siswono, Durotul Yatimah and Adi Apriadi Adiansha

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Iwan, Eko Siswono, Durotul Yatimah, Adi Apriadi Adiansha. Improving IPS Learning Results through Learning Media Playing King Ludo. American Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 6, No. 8, 2018, pp 1078-1084.
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Iwan, I, et al. "Improving IPS Learning Results through Learning Media Playing King Ludo." American Journal of Educational Research 6.8 (2018): 1078-1084.
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Iwan, I. , Siswono, E. , Yatimah, D. , & Adiansha, A. A. (2018). Improving IPS Learning Results through Learning Media Playing King Ludo. American Journal of Educational Research, 6(8), 1078-1084.
Chicago Style
Iwan, I, Eko Siswono, Durotul Yatimah, and Adi Apriadi Adiansha. "Improving IPS Learning Results through Learning Media Playing King Ludo." American Journal of Educational Research 6, no. 8 (2018): 1078-1084.
[1]  Ahmad Susanto., Learning and Learning Theory at Elementary School (Prenadamedia Group: Jakarta, 2013).
In article      
[2]  I Nyoman Nitya Hariata., Ketut Pudjawan., I Gede Margunayasa., Influence of Problem Based Instruction Model Based on Media Powerpoint Learning on IPS Learning (e-Journal PGSD Mimbar PGSD Vol: 5 No: 2: Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 2017).
In article      
[3]  Neal Shambaugh, and Susan G Magliaro, Instructional Design. (Boston: Person, 2006).
In article      
[4]  Oemar Hamalik, Teaching and Learning Process (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2008).
In article      
[5]  Moh. Usman Users, Become a Professional Teacher (Bandung: Teens Rosdakarya, 2001).
In article      
[6]  Gil-Jaurena and Kucina Softic Aligning learning outcomes and assessment methods: a web tool for e-learning courses International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (, (accessed January 5, 2018).
In article      View Article
[7]  Ellis Meiliasari., Efforts to Increase IPS Learning Outcomes through Ludo Game Players Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in Grade V Students of SD Negeri Gumpang 01 Kartasura Lesson Year 2010/2011 (Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2011).
In article      
[8]  Sasmita Sindy Intan Mawarni Amkas, I Made Tegeh, Luh Putu Putrini Mahadewi., Media Development Ludo Word Game Student Class IV SDN 1 Banjar Bali Lesson Year 2017/2018 (e-Journal Edutech Department of Educational Technology Vol. 8 No. 2 : Ganesha University of Education, 2017).
In article      
[9]  Wardani, I.G.A.K., Classroom Action Research (Jakarta: Open University, 2006).
In article      
[10]  Agung, Iskandar., Classroom Action Research Guide for Teachers (Jakarta: Bestari Buana Murni, 2012).
In article      
[11]  Suharsimi Arikunto, Suhardjono, Supardi, Classroom Action Research (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2012).
In article      
[12]  E. Mulyasa, Becoming a Professional Teacher Creating Creative and Joyful Learning (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2013).
In article