Tables index


A Study of Teacher’s Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence on Students’ Mental Health among Higher Secondary School of Thanjavur District

Suresh. K, Srinivasan. P

American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(6), 869-876 doi:10.12691/education-6-6-41
  • Table 1. Reliability for Various Sub Tests of Test of General Intelligence
  • Table 2. Descriptive Analyses of Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health Scores
  • Table 3. N, M, σ and t-values of Intelligence Quotient Scores
  • Table 4. Summary of ANOVA of Intelligence Quotient Scores
  • Table 5. N, M, σ and t-values of Emotional Intelligence Quotient Scores
  • Table 6. Summary of ANOVA of Emotional Intelligence Quotient Scores
  • Table 7. Post Hoc t-tests for Emotional Intelligence of Higher Secondary School Teachers between the Sub-Variables of Subject Taught
  • Table 8. Post Hoc t-tests for Emotional Intelligence of Higher Secondary School Teachers between the Sub-Variables of Subject Taught
  • Table 9. Post Hoc t-tests for Emotional Intelligence of Higher Secondary School Teachers between the Sub-Variables of Years of Experience
  • Table 10. N, M, σ and t-values of Mental Health Scores
  • Table 11. Summary of ANOVA of Mental Health Scores
  • Table 12. Post Hoc t-tests for Mental Health of Higher Secondary First year School Students with regard to Sub-Variables of Management Type
  • Table 13. Post Hoc t-tests for Mental Health of Higher Secondary First Year Students with regard to Sub-Variables of School Type
  • Table 14. Regression Weights of Independent on Dependent Variables by using SPSS AMOS