The paper deals with the theory and practice of collaborative capacity building for preschool teachers with other educator forces in care and education of children with developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district, Hanoi, Vietnam. The results of theoretical and factual studies indicate that: Developmental disabilities are the development of high-level functional disabilities in the central nervous system during development, which presents a distortion or problem of cognitive abilities, communication, social, learning, attention, etc. Fostering the capacity to coordinate social forces in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities is a continuation of training to develop the capacity of coordinating the social forces in care and education. The capacity of coordinating with other educator forces for teachers of preschool children with developmental disabilities vary in its objectives, methods and forms. Despite the concern and care from managers and authorities, there are still many teachers who do not fully understand the problem. The development of coordination plans with social forces in the education of children with developmental disabilities has been paid attention, but only in the general plan on the coordination of social forces. Measures should be taken to improve the effectiveness of capacity building for preschool teachers with the education staff in developmental care for children with disabilities to develop a standardized, consistent and consistent system of procedures. It is essential to improve the quality of early childhood education and help preschool teachers equip themselves with knowledge, skills and skills in coordination with other social forces.
The number of children with disabilities is increasing in Vietnam as well as in the world. This issue has attracted the attention of all levels, sectors and the whole society. Disabled children’s parents always ask, "Can my child go to school to include?" Teachers always try to apply the tools and methods appropriate to each level of disability of children, help children have the basic living skills to include in the community. The social forces have paid attention to the way of organizing and facilitating facilities for the education of children with disabilities. Finding ways to coordinate the teachers, parents of children and other education forces in education development of children with disabilities is extremely urgent, creating opportunities for children with disabilities to integrate into life.
In fact, the current capacity of coordinating the capacity of teachers in preschools in Gia Lam district, Hanoi with colleagues, the parents of children and with social forces in care and education for children with disabilities has not been specified or implemented widely and effectively.
Collaboration between teachers, parents and the community in caring for and educating children with disabilities at preschool ages is considered as an important form of educational organization to help children with disabilities have the opportunity to integrate into society and society. The guideline of the Vietnamese Party and State is to integrate theory with practice, to study together with practice, family and society, always working closely together in the education of students.
A number of authors have investigated issues related to developmental disabilities as well as the ability to coordinate educational forces in the development of education for children with disabilities such as Karen Kearns 1, Gabovitch EM 2. In particular, there is an article by Wood L, Olivier T 3 on "Building videos to raise awareness about the relationship between young teachers and CM". A number of other papers focused on the collaboration between families and schools to support positive behaviors for children with developmental disabilities by Blair WC, Lee I, Cho S 4; Collaboration between families, schools and communities to prepare for education and improve upon the arrival of school children by Epstein J 5; Families participate in Jivanjee P's Individualized Education Plan, Kruzich JM, Friesen BJ 6; Expanded support to improve the lives of families with developmental disabilities by Mary Bower Russa 7.
Fostering the capacity of coordinating social forces in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities of preschool teachers is a continuation of training to develop the capacity of coordinating the social forces in care and education of preschool children in general and children with disabilities in particular. There are many published works related to this issue such as "The empowerment status of teacher-based intervention for autistic children in Hanoi" by Tran Van Cong et al. in 2016 8 discussing the current state of competence of the intervention teacher, "Research on the model of activities of support staff for education of people with disabilities in Vietnam" by Nguyen Xuan Hai (2016) 9 mentioning the model of activities of support staff in education for people with disabilities, "Capacity Building for Early Intervention Educators of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" by Do Thi Thao (2016) 10 outlining the importance of early intervention teachers to children with autism spectrum disorders, thus suggesting measures to improve the capacity of teachers. In this article, we study the theory and practice of coordinating capacity building for preschool teachers with the forces in care and education of children with developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district, Hanoi, Vietnam. This is the basis for proposing coordinated capacity building measures for preschool teachers with the forces in caring for and educating children with disabilities to develop better.
* Concept
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013): Developmental disability is a diverse group of chronic conditions caused by pre-mature mental or physical disorders. Developmental disabilities make individuals living with them more difficult in certain areas of their lives, especially in "language, advocacy, learning, self-help and independent living." Developmental disabilities can be detected early and persist throughout an individual's life span. Developmental disabilities affect all areas of the development of the child, sometimes referred to as developmental delays 11.
* Definition
Children with developmental disabilities are defined as the development of high-level functional disabilities in the central nervous system. Basically, this defect is in the less progressive form but is not limited to complex defects. It represents the distortion or problem of cognitive, social, social, academic, attention, attention, and attention that may arise from the birth of a child in a difficult life 11, 12.
The manifestations of developmental disabilities are: (1) The state of being from birth or from a very early stage. The original disorder does not change but lasts until the end of life; (2) Family education or social environment issues are not the cause of developmental disabilities. However, due to difficulties arising from interactions with people or caregiving such as poor family care (violence), being bullied at school ... which can lead to secondary defects; (3) Medication medications can not change developmental disabilities. For issues that arise in schools, it is important to make teachers and school staff aware of the correct and appropriate educational responses.
* Types of developmental disabilities
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5, a group of children with developmental disabilities encompasses the following basic forms 13: Communication Disorders; Intellectual Disabilities (ID); Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder, Motor Disorders, other Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
In this study, the authors selected the DSM-5 developmental disorder classification and classification 13 to study. Three groups of children with developmental disabilities were studied: intellectual disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and autism spectrum disorder. These are the main types of developmental disabilities that are learning to integrate in kindergartens in Gia Lam district - Hanoi.
- Intellectual Disability: Intellectual Disability is a disorder that occurs throughout the development process, including a lack of both cognitive and functional adaptability in terms of concept, social and practical aspects 13.
- Autism spectrum disorders: Autism spectrum disorders are a form of developmental disability characterized by major communication, social interaction, and stereoscopic behavior problems. Autism spectrum disorders include disorders that share characteristics but differ in extent, severity, onset and progression of the disorder over time 13.
- AD / HD: ADHD is a form of developmental disturbance that occurs during childhood with hyperactivity or impaired concentration. 7 years old. AD/HD is characterized by a sequence of behaviors, expressed in different environments and contradicts the level of development. The DSM-5 divides the AD /HD into two forms: attention-grabbing and accelerated, including actions such as failure to focus on details, difficulty in organizing tasks and activities, speaking Too much, restless or unable to keep sitting in the chair in situations requiring sitting 13.
* Characteristics of children with developmental disabilities
- Delay: Almost unreachable compared to children of the same age (up to 90%). Representatives of this delay are the group of children with intellectual disabilities and children with autism spectrum disorders.
- Deviation: There is the same behavior as any normal child, but the extent is too limited to normal range. Representatives of this bipolar disorder are children with dementia (AD/HD).
- Abnormal: Repeatedly acting unlike normal children with inconsistently repeated behavior (swinging, swinging, turning off and on, continuous flickering of fingers in front of the face, waving of hands, continuous looking at the rotating ceiling fan, chattering, repeating from...), avoiding interacting with people around. Representation of this anomaly is autistic spectrum disorder.
2.2. Coordinating Forces for Caring and Educating Children with Developmental Disabilities at Preschool AgesThe forces participating in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities at preschool ages include:
- Family group: Members should have knowledge of communicating, social, leisure and self-care aspects.
- Education group: Members should have knowledge of the following areas: solving problems in the social environment, communication, self-care, recreation, study, work.
- Treatment groups: (1) Vision, hearing: Members need knowledge of visual and auditory sensory conditioning; (2) Language: Members should have knowledge of the following areas: language development, pronunciation, communication, social studies; (3) Physical: Members should have knowledge of the following areas: exercise therapy, recreation; (4) Workers: Members should have knowledge of the following areas: self-care, recreation, work.
- Group of friends: The members should have knowledge about: building a group of friends, helping each other in learning, living, traveling.
- Community Support Group: Members need to have knowledge about: Community factors affecting the development of children, community counseling skills.
- Medical group: Health care, medical treatment, massage...
The overall contribution of the group members is to participate in the group decisions on educational priorities and interventions for each child 14; contributing to joint efforts in addressing issues across all aspects of early childhood education for children with developmental disabilities; sharing knowledge and expertise to promote your child's participation in the educational program. At the same time, they must grasp the ability of the child; support the contributions of members of the same group; propagate and mobilize the participation of the community in the education of children with developmental disabilities; raise awareness for families and society to create the best environment for children with learning disabilities and social integration.
Coordinating forces for the care and education of children with disabilities to develop preschool ages: The coordination between the education and training forces for children with disabilities in preschool development is the process of teachers, parents of children and specialists. subjects (health, education, psychology, therapist ...), community support groups, education forces at all levels, friends’ groups, social workers and mass organizations. Assist each other throughout their stay in kindergarten to provide the most appropriate educational, home and community environment for the development of the child 15.
2.3. Strengthening Coordination Capacity for Preschool Teachers with the Participation of Children in the Care and Education of Developmental DisordersCapability: Capability is a combination of individual attributes that are tailored to the requirements of a given activity, ensuring that the activity is successful. Capacity is both the premise and the result of the activity. Only when a person has a capacity corresponding to an activity or a job is he or she recognized as competent, able to handle the job. On the other hand, someone who wants to solve a job and wants to be recognized by others as competent to handle that job, must prove that he or she is capable of doing that job. Thus, capacity can not be unmistakable - the likelihood of occurring or not occurring must be manifested, actualization of potential, potential and evidence. Any capacity integrates knowledge, skills and attitudes, but it is not simple to have these three components into the capacity (whether organic or "combination").
Structured capacity includes the knowledge system of that activity (knowledge of the structure and knowledge of the rules, the process of implementing that activity), the skill system that performs that activity (skill set direction, performance skills, test and evaluation skills, and performance modification) and attitudes (positive attitude, self-consciousness, honesty, independence, creativity, excitement to perform that activity, etc.). Capacity is developed (formed) on the innate "motion" of the innate - genetics of anatomy, morphology and physiology, by education and self-education throughout the human life, in the environment of activity. school, family and in community, society. Capabilities can be measured and evaluated on the principle of both measuring and evaluating and shaping the desired capacity".
Collaborative capacity
In our view, this synergy of education is developed (formed) on the "background" of innate - genetics in anatomy, morphology and physiology, preschool and self-education throughout this career, in the school environment, in the family and in the community, society. This coordination capacity can be measured and evaluated on the principle of both measuring and evaluating and shaping the desired capability." Thus, the capacity to coordinate social forces in the care and education of children with developmental disabilities is structured including the knowledge system of that coordination activity (knowledge of the structure and knowledge of the rule , the implementation process of that coordination activity), the skill system that performs that coordination activity (orientation skills, performance skills, test and evaluation skills, performance adjustment skills), and The attitudes towards such activities (positive attitude, self-consciousness, honesty, independence, creativity, love of care and education for children with disabilities), love for children with disabilities, excitement to perform that activity...).
Coordinating skills training: To train teachers on the capacity to coordinate with social forces in caring for and educate children with disabilities to develop activities to develop their capacity in coordination with social forces in General care and education for preschool children in general, supplementing the students after graduation some knowledge about the coordination of education and care for children with developmental disabilities, coordination skills in caring for and educating children Developmental disabilities, cultivate goodwill, cooperate and help each other among teachers, students and parents, between teachers and community forces.
The content of capacity building in coordination with the forces in the education of children with developmental disabilities of preschool teachers depends on the requirements of directing the development of local education and the plan of fostering preschool teachers in Projects under the Ministry of Education and Training, the local education authority. Therefore, the following capacity building contents can be flexibly applied: Improved understanding of the subject of education (children with developmental disabilities). Enhance the capacity of understanding and building the teacher's educational environment. Improve teacher guidance and counseling for parents, colleagues, and other social organizations. Raising the capacity to develop and differentiate children with special psychological care / support of teachers. Improve the capacity of teacher education planning. Strengthening the capacity of organizing educational activities of teachers. Strengthening the capacity of using teaching equipment and applying information technology in teachers' teaching. Develop the capacity of socio-political activities of teachers.
The combined capacity building measures for preschool teachers with the forces in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities are the ways and means of carrying out activities related to the fostering and training of Skills, techniques and equipment for the Vietnamese people to know how to harmoniously and effectively cooperate with social forces in the care and education of preschool children in general and children with developmental disabilities in particular, to help children study, participate and enjoy full benefits, increase opportunities for integration into the community.
2.4. Situation of Coordinating Capacity Building for Preschool Teacher in Care and Education of Children with Developmental Disabilities Gia Lam District, HanoiPurpose of the survey: To assess the current status of capacity building for teachers in GCP in Gia Lam district, Ha Noi. Proposing measures to train teachers for better skills in collaborating with social forces to care for and educate disabled children in Gia Lam district, Hanoi.
Contents of the survey: Current status of capacity in collaboration with social forces for preschool teachers in care and education for children with disabilities. Knowledge, coordination needs of teachers and parents in care and education for children with disabilities. Factors influencing the capacity of coordinating capacity for early childhood teachers with the care and education of children with disabilities developed in Gia Lam district, Hanoi.
Survey methods and tools:
- Questionnaire survey: Design and use survey questionnaire for 35 teachers and 35 managers of children with disabilities.
Survey method: We went to the survey area and guide each group of people according to the following steps: 1) Introduce the purpose of the survey; 2) Explain the contents of the questionnaire; 3) Instructions for completing the form; 4) Support, further explain the process of filling survey forms; 5) Collect survey forms upon completion.
- In-depth interview method: Interviews with teachers and parents to know and understand more information about research objects and experimental subjects.
- Data processing methods: Using mathematical formulas, using SPSS software to process data, rank and test the correlation of the obtained data.
Location and survey
- Survey area: We conducted a survey on the status of research on teachers and parents in public and private kindergartens in Gia Lam district, Hanoi.
- Investigators:
Teaching staff: The project was conducted on 35 teachers who integrate preschool education in public and private kindergartens in Gia Lam district, Hanoi. There are 33 female teachers and 2 male teachers, from 26 to 40 years old. The level of master’s degree is 31.2%, degree of bachelor is 68.8%. The majority of teachers participating in the survey have two or more years of teaching experience. At present, there are 178 children with disabilities in Hoa Gia district who are learning to integrate in 32 preschools. The number of teachers teaching disabled children is very high, accounting for 21% of teachers in Gia Lam district. This is also a problem to study when sending managers or trainers to participate in training.
a. Significance of the collaboration of preschool teachers with the caring forces of children with developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district, Hanoi
To understand the meaning of coordination of social forces in caring and educating children with developmental disabilities as well as the awareness of managers and teachers about the meaning of this, the author has conducted survey with 35 staff and 35 teachers. The results are showed in Figure 1.
It is clear from the diagram that teachers and teachers understand the implications of the coordination of social forces in caring with many similarities in opinion, which is reflected clearly by teachers and manager have stated that the first meaning of the coordination of social forces is to help children reduce difficulties, create more favorable conditions for social integration to promote the development of children occupying 95.7% (of which 97.1% of managers and 94.3% of supervisors); The second important meaning is to create conditions, facilities and environment favorable for young people to occupy 91.4% (of which 94.3% of supervisors and 85.7% of supervisors); The third important significance is the creation of a consensus on the perception, attitudes and actions of the social forces of the 82.8%; This is in turn contributing to the effective implementation of social work for children and mobilizing all effective contributions of social forces for children accounted for 80% and 72.9% .
As a result, managers and teachers alike have similar ideas about the meaning of the social forces in caring and educating children with developmental disabilities, which suggests that the coordination of social forces is significant. important for the development of children. It is imperative that appropriate planning and coordination is in place to achieve the best results.
b. Targets in coordination between preschool teachers with the caring forces for children with developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district, Hanoi
We surveyed 35 staff and 35 teachers who taught developmental disabilities with three levels of importance (3 points), normal (2 points) and unimportant (1 point). The results were presented in Table 1.
The state of awareness of fostering goals shows that both managers and teachers are aware of the objectives of the fostering activity. Specifically, managers consider that the primary goal of the refresher activities is to improve the capacity of the mental health workers with M = 2.93, the second important goal is to raise awareness, self-improvement of teachers with M = 2.84. The next is to consolidate, expand, improve knowledge in caring for and educating developmentally disabled children with M = 2.67; and the goal is to help teachers effectively coordinate with the social forces with M = 2.55.
On the teachers' side, the primary goal of the training activities is to help teachers effectively coordinate with the social forces with M = 2.95; The second important goal is to improve the capacity of the teachers with M = 2.79; The third is raising awareness, self-learning ability, self-improvement of teachers with M = 2.65 and finally the goal of consolidating, expanding and improving knowledge in education with M = 2.43.
Managers and teachers, but there is a difference in the assessment of the importance of the target but not negligible, both show the anxiety as well as enthusiasm desire the combination of forces to equip the skills for preschool teachers in the integration field.
c. Coordinated content of pre-school teachers the caring forces for children with developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district, Hanoi
In order to find out how the coordination of social forces in the development of children with disabilities has been carried out, the authors surveyed the opinions of the manager staff and teachers through three levels of importance (3 points), normal (2 points) and not important (1 point). The results are presented in Table 2.
The content at the most significant level in both subjects was co-coordinating in evaluation with M = 2.9; Second place is to mobilize, build, use facilities, conditions, facilities, environment young with M = 2.7; The third is the coordination of social forces in the selection of young learners with M = 2.5. The combination of methods and coordination of social forces in young children has M = 2.2 and ranked fourth.
Due to the insufficient coordination and lack of attention of the social forces, awareness of the content of "Coordination of the development goals of children with developmental disabilities" was only M = 1.9 and Ranked at the last position in the content has stated the goal of educating for developmental disabled children in research facilities for children has not been well defined from the first stage. In addition, the process of identifying and implementing the content of the youth program is very important but does not reflect the expectations of people with disabilities. Even the content of "Coordinating, identifying and implementing youth curriculum content" has not been fully appreciated and appreciated by teachers and trainers, with only M = 2.0 and ranked second. year in the work performed coordination. This cause comes from the fact that the society still has prejudices and not enough attention for children with developmental disabilities. Although managers and teachers have different perspectives from the management and professional perspectives, there is a consensus among the teachers on the constraints on the mobilization of coordination of social forces in the youth education developmental disorders. On the teachers and administrators at the surveyed schools, there was coordination and guidance
Young and young, but if there is active consensus of social forces, the effectiveness of young children will be higher.
Le Thi Thanh H, a teacher who has worked for many years in the field of education and training for children with disabilities at Hoa Sen Private School, said: "Up to now, children with developmental disabilities have not received much attention. As a result, children are less likely to receive the attention of social forces, mainly families and schools. "Thus, the selection of young forms of education, the use of methods, measures and coordination of social forces in young children as well as the mobilization of construction, use of facilities, conditions, The environment of young children and the combination of evaluating young children's results is very low compared to the requirements of young children and youths, aiming to help children achieve their progress.
d. Co-ordinating methods of preschool teachers with caring forces for developmentally disabled children in Gia Lam district, Hanoi
Figure 2 shows that the methods of managers as well as teacher evaluation are quite similar, the most frequent occurrence is teacher training and self-study, self-training through specialized materials. with 90% of managers and teachers participating in the survey. Secondly, the training through professional activities, the time to learn lessons of 84.3%; followed by the opening of training courses for managers, teachers through training courses on methodological innovation, improving teaching quality with 71.4%; Renovation of the curriculum of the training program is associated with training objectives and objectives, especially in connection with the requirements in the new situation, accounting for 67.1% and finally, through the in-service classes. accounting for 54.3%.
According to the results, there is a high demand for teachers and lecturers, both managers and lecturers, who wish to be equipped with knowledge, skills and methods on IE. This is a new and complicated task which is a good thing for the management of preschool level in Gia Lam district.
e. Forms of coordination with the forces of preschool teachers in activities of caring and educating developmental disabilities in Gia Lam district
Management staff as well as pediatricians often use a variety of forms to coordinate social forces in the development of children with developmental disabilities, to learn more about the form used more frequently, the author has conducted the solicitation. comments of subjects with three levels of regularity (3 points), occasional (2 points) and never (1 point). Specific results are showed in Table 3.
Managers as well as teachers have many forms to coordinate social forces in children with developmental disabilities. Both teachers and administrators as well as parents are very interested in the form of collaborative work to help children grow. Nguyen Thu Tr, the mother of a child who is cared for at Hoa Hong Kindergarten, said: "The most used forms are phone contact, direct communication with the family after each reception and Children. In addition, the school also has a teacher came home to meet and exchange information about children, this coordination has brought confidence to young family’s peace of mind and confidence in the school. There are, however, some equally important forms not regularly coordinated such as disseminating materials on developmental disabilities, organizing training courses, fostering classes for teaching children with developmental disabilities, organizing clubs, the results of the assessment were not high.
In summary, the results of the survey on the use of forms of coordination of social forces show that between the direction of managers and the implementation of teachers is relatively consensus. This is reflected not only in the general sample but also in each form, although the results of teachers’ assessment are superior but insignificant in comparison with the evaluation results of the manager. This is explained by the majority of teachers: it is because teachers have direct and regular contact with their families so there are many advantages to better understand the results of exchanges with their families compared to managers. The results of the implementation of forms of coordination of social forces in the development of children with disabilities developed in educational establishments are mainly focused on telephone exchanges and direct meetings with children. Due to limited budget, some forms such as collecting materials, attending training activities, seminars and exchanging experiences were not effective.
a. The role of fostering collaborating capacity for preschool teachers with other caring and educating forces
In order to understand the roles and perceptions of the role of coordinating capacity building for preschool teachers with caring and educating forces for children with disabilities, we conducted a survey on mangers and teachers on the above issues. It is very important (3 points), important (2 points) and not important (1 point). The results are presented in Table 4.
Based on the above data, we find that managers and teachers highly appreciate the importance of fostering the capacity of teachers in the coordination of social forces, which is clearly demonstrated when there is no role. It is not important at all.
On the management side, the training will help teachers to improve their knowledge of pedagogical skills in various forms, occupying the most important role, attaining M = 2.77. Second important role is to help teachers have the capacity to develop curriculum, long-term planning, build a friendly environment for M = 2.6. And the third important is the training to help teachers participate in professional training courses reached M = 2.54.
On the side of teachers, the most important role is to help teachers to improve their pedagogical skills in other forms with M = 2.71. For this role, teachers are quite consistent with the managers and highlighted the problem of refresher training to improve the behavioral skills in pedagogical situations. The second important role is that teachers are trained in professional skills with M = 2.63. The third is the training to help teachers have the capacity to develop curriculum, long-term planning, building a friendly environment for children with M = 2.49.
Thus, teachers and managers have different views, but this difference is not significant, this can be explained by the different characteristics and nature of the work of management and teachers of different teachers, so the important plate evaluation will also have a difference. These things are more passionate about the profession of teachers as well as managers.
b. Current status of fostering the development of coordination plan with other caring and educating forces
Figure 3 shows that the opinions of teachers and managers are quite consistent in the development of measures to coordinate the social forces, in which teachers and managers all agree that the development plan coordination. It is only the general plan for the coordination of the social forces that is dominated by 77.1%. The above statement confirms these limitations not only from the school but from the other side, from the policy, viewpoints and the hierarchy are unclear, lack of mechanism. That is why both teachers and administrators are aware of and appreciate this point at a low level.
Schools have long invested in curriculum development and professional development," said Nguyen Thi O, a manager at Hoa Sua Elementary School. In part, due to the lack of investment in the development of children with disabilities, coordination with other social force. is often difficult, and the results of cooperation are thus reduced so far".
Thus, limitations in the planning of coordination with social forces in the development of children with disabilities are primarily due to objective reasons. But firstly, the school has some unconstrained mechanisms to carry out specific activities, so it is not really active, especially the managers need more attention than the implementation of the implementation. The results of the coordination plans.
c. Current status of using cooperative capacity building measures
To find out about the measures and the status of using capacity building measures in collaboration with the forces in education of children with developmental disabilities, we conducted a survey on managers and teachers and showed in Figure 4.
Objective assessment, timely coordination the social forces in young children: the most focused measure occupies 80%; The second is the "internal evaluation of coordinating and external evaluations from the social side" by 78.6%; The third is the monitoring, checking, motivating, reminding the young participants to participate in 75.7% and the last measure to take timely experience organizing the coordination of education forces to bring higher efficiency with 58.6%.
Measures "Monitoring, inspecting, encouraging and reminding young people to participate" is very important and necessary to be used regularly, the application in practice is quite small. The assessment of the psychological progress of children has been a long time with teachers and little involvement of experts to be able to measure and evaluate accurately in order to obtain specific results that are mainly qualitative. Tran Thi H, a school administrator, said: "There are no measures to improve capacity in coordination with the forces in education for children with disabilities. But here is the measure in coordination with the social forces that are right there are many inadequacies. The above illustrates that the school itself and its stakeholders are still far away from implementing measures to improve coordination skills. This is also reflected in the overall assessment as well as the assessment on each measure by managers and trainers in the surveyed establishments.
d. Difficulties of the teacher when coordinating the educational forces in the care of children with developmental disabilities.
In order to find out how difficult the preschool teachers are to meet the needs of the children with disabilities in the Counseling and Education for Children with disabilities, the survey has been conducted by managers and teachers. Evaluation criteria include very difficult (3 points), difficulty (2 points) and no difficulty (1 point). The results are presented in Table 5.
The table shows that managers and teachers are the direct force of care and management of children, so they are aware of difficulties in coordination of social forces, so the results of assessment of difficulties are quite high. There is a disparity in the assessment of the difficulty of the managers and teacher, which shows that at different angles the difficulty will be manifested at a different level of relevance, continuing education and child care will have an insight into the difficulty of coordinating education divisions in developmental care for children with disabilities that are different from those of their managers. This is evident from the chart, which shows the concerns and concerns of the managers and teachers about the current difficult situation in order to find solutions to these concerns.
At present, children with developmental disabilities suffer many disadvantages, especially those with severe illness. The attention and support of the society are very few, besides, they are not actively concerned about the children, so the social forces have many limitations on experience, and methods. Therefore, the children receive less attention from society and the community. Ms. Tran Thi V, a child with developmental disability who is cared for at Hoa Hong Kindergarten, said: "I see that the society does not have mechanisms and policies for children with disabilities to develop, so prejudices are deeply ingrained in the awareness of people, so when the discovery of children with disabilities develop many families to be afraid. I go to treatment and when I know that a child with a disability develops, the authorities or agencies concerned almost no interest, so that the family and society also no or less interaction". This is not only a difficult task for young families, but also for the concern of educators and professionals to find the most effective ways to improve the difficulties and strengthen coordination capacity teacher.
2.3. Assessment on Coordinating Capacity Building for Preschool TeachersBased on the analysis of the above results, the capacity of coordination shows that the schools in the surveyed area have many advantages in coordinating educational forces, but there are also many limitations. As follows:
a. Advantages
Teachers and staff understand how children with disabilities develop, how to care for their children, and what kind of coordination between the social forces. Many staffs and teachers have been trained in basic and specialized training on developmental disabilities
Managers and teachers have a certain awareness of the implications of the synergy of social forces in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities, which suggests that the coordination of social forces is very important and indispensable in the current trend.
Most teachers and managers know how to use the combination of reward measures when children with disabilities develop progress.
Most of the teachers and parents of children with developmental disabilities show their satisfaction.
Many teachers and parents of children with developmental disabilities have worked together to inform each other of the advances and disadvantages of children in a timely manner.
Most teachers and parents know about children with disabilities develop and care for children through reading, reading, watching television and exchanging with one another. Half of the knowledge about children, caring for and educating developmentally disabled children are learned from teachers’ experience.
Lecturers and teachers need to be trained in the capacity of coordinating with the social forces.
The school as well as the related functional forces always create favorable conditions to strengthen the methods, contents and forms of coordination to foster the capacity of teachers in the field of education and training for children with disabilities.
b. Exist
Lecturers and trainers are trained on developmental disabilities as well as the coordination and coordination of the forces and care of young children. There are still teachers and managers do not understand all the causes and types of children with developmental disabilities.
Co-ordinated planning measures with social forces in education for children with disabilities are still lax, and coordinated planning is only in the form of an overall plan for co-ordination. the social forces only.
The coordination between family-school is not synchronous, only half of teachers-teachers and parents-parents have adequate coordination.
Theoretical and practical training for capacity building for teachers with children with disabilities in the district of Gia Lam, Hanoi is now needed.
(1) Management staff and teachers have a certain awareness about the implications of the coordination of social forces in caring for and educating children with developmental disabilities;
(2) The development of coordination plans with social forces is still loosely coupled.
(3) Management staff as well as teachers have many advantages, but also many difficulties in coordinating. The association also has prejudices, family inferiority, the social forces do not have sufficient knowledge about developmental disabilities, lack of synchronization in the coordination mechanism, policies, facilities for Children with developmental disabilities
(4) The process of coordinating youth activities has been done in different ways, but each job has a different level of performance. Thus, the selection of forms of education, the use of methods, measures and coordination of social forces as well as the mobilization of construction, use of facilities, conditions… are much lower than expected.
(5) The managers and especially the pediatricians have implemented many forms of coordination with the social forces in education for children with developmental disabilities, but the frequency is more frequent than the encounter with direct communication. This is a convenient form but will not convey the full content as well as the level, expression of the child. Therefore, the school should coordinate with experts, families to organize seminars to share experience as well as clubs on care for children with developmental disabilities;
(6) The coordinating capacity building for preschool teachers with educational staffs plays an important role, and managers and teachers are quite aware of those roles;
(7) Functional agencies in Gia Lam District have been active in coordinating forces in capacity building for the teachers, but these activities are of an individual nature. The self-study, self-improvement and experience is the main. Therefore, the need for training of managers and teachers, parents is very high. Therefore, measures should be taken to improve the effectiveness of capacity building for preschool teachers with education providers in charge of care for children with disabilities, develop a system of standardized procedures, suitable and the most important tasks is to improve the quality of youth education and information, and to help preschool teachers equip themselves with knowledge, skills and skills in coordination with other social forces.
[1] | Gabovitch EM, Curtin C., 2009, Family-centered care for children with autism spectrum disorders: a review. Marriage & Family Review 45(5): 469498. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[2] | Karen Kearns, 2010, The big picture: Working in Children’s Services Series, Pearson Publisher. | ||
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[3] | Wood L., Olivier T., 2011, Video production as a tool for raising educator awareness about collaborative teacher-parent partnerships. Educational Research 53(4):399-414. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[4] | Blair W. C., Lee I., Cho S., et al, 2011, Positive behavior support through family-school collaboration for young children with autism. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 31(1): 22-36. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[5] | Epstein J., 2001, School, Family, & Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. | ||
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[6] | Jivanjee P., Kruzich J.M., Friesen B.J., et al, 2007, Family perceptions of participation in educational planning for children receiving mental health services. School Social Work Journal 32(1): 75-92. | ||
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[7] | Mary Bower Russa, Amy L., Matthews, and Jamie S. Owen-DeSchry, 2015, Expanding Supports to Improve the Lives of Families of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions; 17(2): 95-104. | ||
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[8] | Tran Van Cong et al., 2016, Situation of Substantial Apprentice-Based Teacher Abilities for Autistic Children in Hanoi City, Educational Journal, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 55-57. | ||
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[9] | Nguyen Xuan Hai, 2016, "Research on the model of activities of support staff for education of people with disabilities in Vietnam". Journal of Science, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 12-16. | ||
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[10] | Do Thi Thao, 2016, Capacity Building for Early Intervention Educators for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Education, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 161-164. | ||
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[11] | Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013. Developmental disabilities. Retrieved October 18, 2013. | ||
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[12] | Datuk Dr. Yasmin Hussain, Mazmi Maarof, 2017, Children with developmental delays: characteristics and education services, The first International Conference on Education for Appropriate Educational Environment, Hanoi, pp. 60-67. | ||
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[13] | Association, A. P., 2013, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Washington D.C. | ||
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[14] | Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen (Editor), Pham Thi Ben, Do Thi Thao, 2010, Introduction to Special Education, Education Publishing House, Hanoi. | ||
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[15] | Do Thi Thao, 2016, School-Family Collaboration in Early Childhood Educational Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Science, Hanoi National University of Education, 61(1), pp. 155-165. | ||
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Published with license by Science and Education Publishing, Copyright © 2018 Do Thi Thao, Do Diem Huyen, Dang Loc Tho and NguyễnThị Hoa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
[1] | Gabovitch EM, Curtin C., 2009, Family-centered care for children with autism spectrum disorders: a review. Marriage & Family Review 45(5): 469498. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[2] | Karen Kearns, 2010, The big picture: Working in Children’s Services Series, Pearson Publisher. | ||
In article | |||
[3] | Wood L., Olivier T., 2011, Video production as a tool for raising educator awareness about collaborative teacher-parent partnerships. Educational Research 53(4):399-414. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[4] | Blair W. C., Lee I., Cho S., et al, 2011, Positive behavior support through family-school collaboration for young children with autism. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 31(1): 22-36. | ||
In article | View Article | ||
[5] | Epstein J., 2001, School, Family, & Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. | ||
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[6] | Jivanjee P., Kruzich J.M., Friesen B.J., et al, 2007, Family perceptions of participation in educational planning for children receiving mental health services. School Social Work Journal 32(1): 75-92. | ||
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[7] | Mary Bower Russa, Amy L., Matthews, and Jamie S. Owen-DeSchry, 2015, Expanding Supports to Improve the Lives of Families of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions; 17(2): 95-104. | ||
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[8] | Tran Van Cong et al., 2016, Situation of Substantial Apprentice-Based Teacher Abilities for Autistic Children in Hanoi City, Educational Journal, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 55-57. | ||
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[9] | Nguyen Xuan Hai, 2016, "Research on the model of activities of support staff for education of people with disabilities in Vietnam". Journal of Science, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 12-16. | ||
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[10] | Do Thi Thao, 2016, Capacity Building for Early Intervention Educators for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Education, Special Issue II, June 2016, pp. 161-164. | ||
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[11] | Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013. Developmental disabilities. Retrieved October 18, 2013. | ||
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[12] | Datuk Dr. Yasmin Hussain, Mazmi Maarof, 2017, Children with developmental delays: characteristics and education services, The first International Conference on Education for Appropriate Educational Environment, Hanoi, pp. 60-67. | ||
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[13] | Association, A. P., 2013, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Washington D.C. | ||
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[14] | Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen (Editor), Pham Thi Ben, Do Thi Thao, 2010, Introduction to Special Education, Education Publishing House, Hanoi. | ||
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[15] | Do Thi Thao, 2016, School-Family Collaboration in Early Childhood Educational Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Science, Hanoi National University of Education, 61(1), pp. 155-165. | ||
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