Tables index


Assessment of Conceptual Difficulties in Chemistry Syllabus of the Nigerian Science Curriculum as Perceived by High School College Students

Jack Gladys Uzezi, Danjuma Ezekiel, Abdul-Kadir Musa Auwal

American Journal of Educational Research. 2017, 5(7), 710-716 doi:10.12691/education-5-7-3
  • Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of difficult level of chemistry concepts
  • Table 2. Influence of students’ Gender on perception of chemistry concepts
  • Table 3. Influence of school nature on perception of chemistry concepts
  • Table 4. Influence of location of school on students’ perception of concepts in chemistry syllabus
  • Table 5. t-test difference on the influence of gender on students’ perception of difficult concepts in chemistry
  • Table 6. ANOVA differences on the influence of school nature on students’ perception of difficult concepts in chemistry at secondary school level
  • Table 7. t-test difference on the influence of school location on students’ perception of difficult concepts in chemistry at secondary school level