Tables index


EFL College Students’ Perceptions toward Native and Non-Native English Speaking Teachers

Shih Yun Tsou, Ying Ling Chen

American Journal of Educational Research. 2017, 5(12), 1182-1190 doi:10.12691/education-5-12-2
  • Table 1. Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation of the Participants’ Learning Experiences with NESTs and NNESTs
  • Table 2. The Participants’ Languages Used on Items 29 and 30
  • Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Items 29 and 30
  • Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Gender Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 5. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Age Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 6. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Majors Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 7. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ University Level Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 8. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Years of Learning English Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 9. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Self-Rating of Overall English Proficiency Who Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 10. Descriptive Statistics of the Numbers of NESTs and NNESTs Who Taught the Participants’ English and Attempted Items 29 and 30
  • Table 11. Descriptive Statistics of Courses Studied with NESTs and NNESTs by the Participants Who Attempted Items 29 and 30