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Designing an Experimental Prototype to Support Geometric Optics Concepts Comprehension

Juan Carlos Ruiz Mendoza

American Journal of Educational Research. 2016, 4(16), 1179-1183 doi:10.12691/education-4-16-9
  • Figure 1. Components stored the prototype Geometrical Optics
  • Components:Converging lens,Diverging lens, Semi-cylindrical lens, rectangular prism, trapezoidal prism, concave mirror.
  • Three slots diaphragm s. Single slots diaphragm s, Objet slots diaphragms.
  • Lens mount: Converging lens f = + 30 cm. Converging lens f = + 10 cm, Converging lens f = + 5 cm, Diverging lens f = + 10cm.
  • Lamp with horizontal filament into the socket.
  • Lamp, Housing , Filter cover
  • Figure 2. A series of drawings illustrating practical activities of Geometrical Optics
  • Figure 3. Illustration of the location of the focal points and principal points of a common optical system (Image taken from Smith, 2008)
  • Figure 4. Focal distance of a lens: a) convergent and b) divergent
  • Figure 5. Size and position of an object h in an optical system
  • Figure 6. Light rays (with a lens)
  • Figure 7. Experimental setup to get parallel beams (rays)
  • Figure 8. Experimental setup to get convergent beams (rays)
  • Figure 9. Experimental setup to get divergent beams or rays
  • Figure 10. Experimental setup for the focal length of a convergent lens
  • Figure 11. Experimental setup to obtain the focal distance of a divergent lens
  • Figure 12. Experimental setting to obtain the shaping of images with a convergent lens and the focal distance of a lens
  • Figure 13. Experimental setup for obtaining the shaping of images with a lens