Figures index


Improving Pupils’ Conceptual Understanding by a Connected In-school and Out-of-school Science Program: A Multiple Case Study

C. H. Geveke, H. W. Steenbeek, J. M. Doornenbal, P. C. L. van Geert

American Journal of Educational Research. 2016, 4(1), 115-125 doi:10.12691/education-4-1-18
  • Figure 1. Possible effects of the program implementation
  • Figure 2. Change instructor’s/teachers’ support and pupil’s performances over time, per case
  • Figure 3. Smoothed Loess curves of pupils’ level of conceptual understanding and teacher’s/instructor’s level of support in eliciting conceptual understanding
  • Figure 4. Amount of teachers’/instructors’ utterances of eliciting conceptual understanding, and pupils’ utterances of conceptual understanding in trained and untrained settings
  • Figure 5. Effect of the program implementation