Figures index


Analytical Comparison of Swarm Intelligence Optimization versus Behavioral Learning Concepts Adopted by Neural Networks (An Overview)

Hassan M. H. Mustafa

American Journal of Educational Research. 2015, 3(7), 800-806 doi:10.12691/education-3-7-2
  • Figure 1. Block diagram of generalized ANN modeling for supervised and unsupervised paradigms, adapted from [22]
  • Figure 2. Illustrates the comparison between Pavlovian and Thorndikian work. The comparison considers normalized results after application of ANN simulation adapted from [3]
  • Figure 3. The dashed line indicate the approach to Cramer-Rao bound based on Fisher information adapted from [23]
  • Figure 4. Graphical presentation for learning performance under noisy conditions with reference to Table 1 adapted from [12]
  • Figure 5. Illustrates the average (of statistical distribution) for learning response time (number of iteration cycles) for different learning rate values (eta)
  • Figure 6. Illustrates graphical presentation for reach optimal solution of TSP under noisy conditions by referring to Table 2
  • Figure 7. Cooperating ants find better solutions in a shorter time, on the average 25 runs. The number of ants was set to m=4, adapted from [27]
  • Figure 8. Illustrates decay curve for misclassification error value versus the increase of generation in parallel genetic algorithm (for some constant population size) adapted from [17]
  • Figure 9. Idealized learning curve of the LMS algorithm adapted from [22]
  • Figure 10. Obtained ordered eigenvalues of data set randomized vectors adapted from [26]