Figures index


Characterization of Levels of Automation on the Quality of Sugar Cane Juice Extraction: Case of Kenya

Osore E.A.E, Ogola J.M, Ogot M.M

Journal of Automation and Control. 2019, 7(1), 15-24 doi:10.12691/automation-7-1-3
  • Figure 1. Typical diffuser extraction parameters (Source: [34])
  • Figure 2. Typical extraction parameters in mill tandems (Source: [34])
  • Figure 3. Experimental setup for Level 4 of automation (LoA 4) using control circuits
  • Figure 4. Experimental setup for Level 5 of automation (LoA 5) using SCADA
  • Figure 5. Experimental setup for Level 6 of automation (LoA 6) using DCS
  • Figure 6. Apparent purity graph of the sugar juice extracted (Source: Author, 2019)
  • Figure 7. Probability plot of PI, % brix, % pol and apparent purity for 5 - 95% CI (Source, Field data, 2019)