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Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen as A Biomarker for Thioacetamide Induced Hepatotoxicity of Rat Liver

Ehab Tousson, Ehab M.M. Ali, ADbdel Halim A. Moustafa, Said S. Moselhey, Karim S. El-Said

American Journal of Zoological Research. 2014, 2(3), 51-54 doi:10.12691/ajzr-2-3-3
  • Figures 1-6. Photomicrographs of rat liver sections stained by PCNA immunoreactivity. 1&2: Control group showing the negative immune reaction indicated by blue stains due to normal central hepatic vein and hepatocytes. 3-6: Liver sections in group 2 that injected with thioacetamide revealed advanced cirrhosis in the form of macronodular and micronodular structure surrounded by fibrous tissue (White arrows) and strong positive reaction for PCNA in the most damaged hepatocytes in liver sections. All hepatocytes nuclei (Black arrows) showed strong positive reaction for PCNA while the blood vessels and the connective tissues (White arrows) of macronodular and micronodular showed a negative reaction for PCNA-ir.