Figures index


The Description of a Marine Fishes Cestode with the Discussion on the Third Nutrition Manner

Gonghuang Cheng, Gongshun Cheng

American Journal of Zoological Research. 2014, 2(2), 29-32 doi:10.12691/ajzr-2-2-1
  • Figure 1. Anchistrocephalus sp. A marine fish cestode from Novodon sp (Scolex)
  • Figure 2. Anchistrocephalus sp. A marine fish cestode from Novodon sp (hooks)
  • Figure 3. Anchistrocephalus sp. A marine fish cestode from Novodon sp (mature proglottid)
  • Figure 4. Anchistrocephalus sp. A marine fish cestode from Novodon sp (gravid proglottid)