Figures index


Impact of the Future Climate and Land Use Changes on the Hydrology and Water Resources in South East England, UK

Afzal M., R. Ragab

American Journal of Water Resources. 2020, 8(5), 218-231 doi:10.12691/ajwr-8-5-2
  • Figure 1. The boundary of the Pang catchment and the location of the gauging station at Pangbourne, Berkshire, adapted from [15]
  • Figure 2. Current land use in the Pang catchment
  • Figure 3. Model calibration for 2001-2004 (left) and validation for 1994-2002 (right)
  • Figure 4. Relationship between observed and simulated flow during the model calibration and model validation over a decadal time scale and over the entire period
  • Figure 5. Twelve months standardized precipitation index (SPI) for the Pang catchment from 1961-2012
  • Figure 6. Historic RDI and adjusted RDI for the Pang catchment for the period 1962-2012
  • Figure 7. Soil moisture deficit (SMD) and the Wetness Index (WI) at root-zone for the Pang catchment during the period 1975-1977
  • Figure 8. Seasonal changes in soil moisture deficit and actual evapotranspiration in the Pang catchment under all emission scenarios based on UKCP09 joint probability factors
  • Figure 9. Severity of the annual drought events observed using the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) season under all emission scenarios using the weather generator data