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Statistical Evaluation of Dugwell Construction and Placement Parameters on Groundwater Contamination in the Sandstone Phreatic Aquiferous Formations in Garoua, North Region Cameroon: Seasonal Variations
Akoachere Richard Ayuk II, Eyong Thomson Areakpoh, Omogbemi Omoloju Yaya
American Journal of Water Resources
, 12(2), 24-38 doi:10.12691/ajwr-12-2-1
Figure 1
(a) dug well; (b) Dugwell component parts (well apron, well collar and well cover)
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Garoua and environs (insert Africa, Cameroon and Northern Region with four Divisions)
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Figure 3
Geology of Garoua basin after
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Bivariate plot of DT vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.72 Wet; 0.72 Dry/Wet; 0.93 Wet/Dry and 0.99 Dry seasons, implying extremely strong to almost perfect correlation between the distance to toilet and the presence of coliform bacteria in groundwater in all seasons
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Bivariate plot of DT vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.021 poor correlation in Wet; 0.12 poor correlation in Wet/Dry; ; 0.72 very strong correlations in the Dry and 0.87 extremely strong in Dry/Wet seasons, between distance from dumpsites and the presence of coliform bacteria in wells
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Bivariate plot of WC vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.03 (poor) Dry/Wet; 0.03 (poor) in Wet; 0.12 (poor) Wet/Dry; and 0.02 (poor) in Dry seasons, between distance well with cover and the presence of coliform bacteria in wells ; wells with collar are not associated with coliform contamination
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Bivariate plot of WC vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.03 (poor) Dry/Wet; 0.02 (poor) in Wet; 0.06 (poor) Wet/Dry; and 0.02 (poor) in Dry seasons, between wells with cover and the presence of coliform bacteria; wells with covers are not associated with coliform contamination
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Bivariate plot of WOC vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.746 (extremely strong) in Wet; -0.82 (inversely extremely strong) in Wet/Dry; and 0.93 (extremely strong) in the Dry seasons 0.83 (extremely strong) in Dry/Wet; there is extremely strong association between wells without cover and the presence of coliform bacteria in wells
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Bivariate plot of WOA vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.84 (extremely strong) in Wet; -0.44 (negatively poor) in Wet/Dry; - .58 moderately strong correlation in the Dry seasons and 0.76 extremely strong in Dry/Wet; there is extremely strong association between wells without apron and the presence of coliform bacteria
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Bivariate plot of WA vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from -0.20 (negatively poor) in Dry/Wet; -0.33 (negatively poor) in Wet; -0.19 (negatively poor) in Wet/Dry and -0.20 negatively poor correlations in the Dry seasons; there is extremely negatively strong association between wells with aprons and the presence of coliform bacteria in wells
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Bivariate plot of COH vs. CB for four seasons in Garoua; r values range from 0.52 (strong) in Wet; 0.42 (poor) in Dry/Wet ; 0.67(significantly strong) in Wet/Dry and 0.62 in the Dry seasons, wells without collar and the presence of coliform bacteria in wells
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Dendrogram of well placement and well construction parameters contributing to pollution of groundwater in Garoua made up of three clusters: Cluster1; coliform bacteria; and Cluster 2 and Cluster 2 made up of; distance from toilet, distance from dump site, wells without collars, wells without aprons, wells without covers, wells with cover but without aprons and wells with aprons but without cover
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