Tables index


Using a Standard Respiratory Air Filtering Device during Moderate Intensity Exercise does not Affect Post Exercise Pulmonary Function

Karen Birkenhead, Chris Barnett, Colin Solomon

American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2020, 8(2), 69-75 doi:10.12691/ajssm-8-2-5
  • Table 1. Physical, aerobic power and ventilatory characteristics of participants
  • Table 2. Pulmonary characteristics of participants
  • Table 3. Pulmonary flowrates pre- and post-exercise for 30 min of exercise at 75% VO2peak either without or with a respiratory air filtering device
  • Table 4. Pulmonary muscle pressure pre- and post-exercise for 30 min of exercise at 75% VO2peak either without or with a respiratory air filtering device