Tables index


Continuity and Change in Rice Varietal Diversity in the Tamatave Region of Eastern Madagascar

Christoffel den Biggelaar, Juliana Rasoma, Florien Zafiroa, Silver Nomenjanahary

American Journal of Rural Development. 2024, 12(1), 1-13 doi:10.12691/ajrd-12-1-1
  • Table 1. Classification of Rice Varieties from the Toamasina Area (excerpted from
  • Table 2. Tamatave Rice Varieties from the Tamatave Region from the Inventories of
  • Table 3. Rice Varieties and the Number of Households by Farm System. Short-cycle, Second Season Varieties in Italics
  • Table 4. Number of Fokontany in Which Different Varieties Are Cultivated
  • Table 5. Number of Varieties Cultivated in Each Fokontany and Villages Within a Fokontany (n = Number of Farmers/Households)
  • Table 6. Mean Length of the Vegetative Cycle Reported by Respondents