Figure 2. Glycolysis is the basic and essential primary source of energy in body cells. It is a ten-step metabolic pathway. Glycolysis is more vital for cancer cells than for normal cells. A. 3-bromopyruvate inhibits hexokinase enzyme while citrate inhibits phosphofructokinase. Simultaneous inhibition of both creates glycolysis double inhibition. B. Warburg effect occurs in cancer cells due to permanent conversion of pyruvate into lactate through activity of lactate dehydrogenase


Pharmacological Double Inhibition of Glycolysis in glioblastoma Multiforme Cells Maximizes Cancer Cell Killing: A Synergism between Citrate and 3-bromopyruvate

Faten M. Omran, Hussam Baghdadi, Tamer M. Soliman, Osama Alhadramy, Momen El-shazley, Samer A. El-Sawy, Hytham Mahmoud Abdel-Latif, Wafaa A. Abdellah, Azza Mahmoud Ahmed Abouelella, Amr El-Dardear, Mohamed Abdel-haleem, Elhussainy MA Elhussainy, Hassan El-Alaf, Nassar Ayoub, Sayed Mostafa El Sayed, Hesham I. Abdallah, Salah Mohamed El Sayed, Mongi Ayat, Ahmed Mohamed Shehata

American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2020, 8(1), 1-6 doi:10.12691/ajps-8-1-1