Tables index


An IRT-constructed Brief Physical Functioning Scale and Its Association with Health Status

Peter D. Hart

American Journal of Public Health Research. 2020, 8(6), 184-189 doi:10.12691/ajphr-8-6-1
  • Table 1. Two-parameter logistic (2PL) IRT constructed brief physical functioning scale (BPFS) item parameters and statistics (N = 1,716)
  • Table 2. IRT constructed brief physical functioning scale (BPFS) item statistics and bivariate correlation coefficients (N = 1,716)
  • Table 3. Factor loadings and eigenvalues of the polychoric correlation matrix for the IRT constructed brief physical functioning scale (BPFS) (N = 1,716)
  • Table 4. Descriptive statistics on study variables by sex
  • Table 5. Relationship between BPFS score and health status variables