Tables index


Determinants of the Accessibility of Elderly Adults to Primary Health Care Services in Cameroon

Rogers A. Ajeh, Jackson Jr. Ndenkeh, Akindeh Mbuh Nji, Adebola Adedimeji, Habakkuk A. Yumo

American Journal of Public Health Research. 2019, 7(3), 102-110 doi:10.12691/ajphr-7-3-3
  • Table 1. Sociodemographic charachteristics of participants
  • Table 2. Economic characteristics of participants
  • Table 3. Medical history of participants
  • Table 4. Access to primary health care services in a general context
  • Table 5. Access to primary health care services in specific disease situations
  • Table 6. Unadjusted and adjusted effects of determinants from a logistic regression