Tables index


Prevalence of HIV and Risk Behaviors among Female Entertainment Workers in Cambodia: A National Biological and Behavioral Survey

Siyan Yi, Pheak Chhoun, Navy Chann, Sovannary Tuot, Sok Chamreun Choub, Phalkun Mun

American Journal of Public Health Research. 2019, 7(3), 94-101 doi:10.12691/ajphr-7-3-2
  • Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of female entertainment workers in the survey
  • Table 2. Sexual behaviors with different types of partners among female entertainment workers in the survey
  • Table 3. Sexual and reproductive health among female entertainment workers in the survey
  • Table 4. Illicit drug and alcohol use among female entertainment workers in the survey
  • Table 5. STI symptoms and care seeking behaviors among female entertainment workers in the survey