Tables index


Prevalence of Parasites of Public Health Significance in Vegetables Sold in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria

PI Agbalaka., OR Ejinaka., DP Yakubu., UM Obeta., RI Jwanse, A Dawet

American Journal of Public Health Research. 2019, 7(2), 48-57 doi:10.12691/ajphr-7-2-3
  • Table 1. Vegetables borne parasites of public health importance recovered from Farin Gada Markets in Jos Plateau State
  • Table 2. Prevalence of parasites on vegetable sold in Farin Gada Markets in Jos North Plateau State
  • Table 3. Prevalence of parasites on vegetable sold in Farin Gada market based on some social demographic characteristics of sellers
  • Table 4. The Knowledge of Fruits/Vegetable sellers about vegetable borne disease in respect to prevalence of contamination
  • Table 5. Prevalence of parasitic contamination in respect of vegetable sellers’ safety practices