Figures index


Occupational Hazards among Hospital Laundry Workers at Ismailia City, Egypt

Sara Mohamed Hesham Abd El-Wahed, Salwa Abbas Ali, Heba Al-kotb Mohamed, Hanaa Kassem Farg

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2020, 8(4), 471-476 doi:10.12691/ajnr-8-4-7
  • Figure 1. Distribution of the studied sample according to their exposure to physical hazards (n =159) (# Results are not mutually exclusive)
  • Figure 2. Distribution of the studied sample according to their exposure to chemical hazards (n = 159) (# Results are not mutually exclusive)
  • Figure 3. Distribution of the studied sample according to their exposure to ergonomic hazards (n = 159) (# Results are not mutually exclusive)
  • Figure 4. Distribution of studied sample according to their exposure to biological hazards (n = 159) (# Results are not mutually exclusive)
  • Figure 5. Distribution of the studied sample according to their exposure to environmental hazards (n =159) (# Results are not mutually exclusive)