Tables index


Effect of Educational Program on Mother's Knowledge and Practice Regarding Hepatitis C Virus in Rural Areas

Eman Ali Abd Elmoaty Sheha, Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Amal Sarhan Eldesokey Genedy, Sharbat Thabet Hassanine

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2020, 8(3), 312-319 doi:10.12691/ajnr-8-3-1
  • Table 1. Frequency distribution of socio-demographic Characteristics of the study sample (n=90)
  • Table 2. Distribution of the studied sample according to their daily life style (N=90).
  • Table 3. Relation between the studied sample knowledge about HCV virus and practices related to its preventive measures (N =90).
  • Table 4. Relation between total knowledge and daily life style of the studied sample (N =90).