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The Effect of Implementing a Guideline Protocol on Nurses' Knowledge about the Nutritional Requirements of Low Birth-Weight Infants
Hend Abdelhady Salah El-Morsy, Rabab El-Sayed Hassan El-Sayed, Magda Ahmed Abd El Aziz
American Journal of Nursing Research
, 8(1), 9-17 doi:10.12691/ajnr-8-1-2
Table 1. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their general characteristics (n=59)
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Table 2. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge score about nutritional requirements of stable low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 3. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge about different feeding methods of low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 4. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge about signs of feeding intolerance of low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 5. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge about nutritional supplements of low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 6. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge about common misbelieves about nutritional requirements of low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 7. Distribution of the studied nurses according to their total knowledge about nutritional requirements of low birth weight infants pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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Table 8. Association between nurses' total knowledge score about the nutritional requirements of low birth weight infants and their characteristics pre and immediate post implementation of guideline protocol (n=59)
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