Tables index


Stress and Anxiety among Junior Nursing Students during the Initial Clinical Training: A Descriptive Study at College of Health Sciences, University of Bahrain

Hala Mohamed Sanad

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(6), 995-999 doi:10.12691/ajnr-7-6-13
  • Table 1. Demographic characteristics of nursing students in the study sample (n=93)
  • Table 2. Anxiety and perceived stress among nursing students in the study sample (n=93)
  • Table 3. Nursing students’ anxiety scores according to their demographic characteristics
  • Table 4. Correlation matrix of nursing students’ perceived stress dimensions and anxiety scores
  • Table 5. Correlation matrix of nursing students’ total perceived stress and anxiety scores and their age
  • Table 6. Best fitting multiple linear regression model for the anxiety score
  • Table 7. Best fitting multiple linear regression model for the perceived stress score