Tables index


Burden and Quality of Life among Caregivers to Children with Epilepsy

Samia M. Abd El-Mouty, Nagwa M. Salem

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(5), 817-823 doi:10.12691/ajnr-7-5-15
  • Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of the caregivers and the children with epilepsy (n=267)
  • Table 2. Correlation of the burden index score and quality of life score with the age of caregivers and age of children, duration of epilepsy and frequency of fits
  • Table 3. Mean difference in scores of quality of life and Burden index score according to the gender of the caregiver
  • Table 4. Mean difference of the times spent with the patients of the caregiver and the scores of quality of life and Burden index score