Tables index


Study Hyperemesis Graviderum Requiring Hospital Admission during Pregnancy: Effect of Nursing Implication on Its Progress

Doaa Shehta Said Farg, Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(3), 328-341 doi:10.12691/ajnr-7-3-14
  • Table 1. Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis (РUQE) index. [2,8] Total score is the sum of replies to each of the three questions. РUQE-24 score: Mild ≤ 6; Moderate = 7-12; Severe = 13-15
  • Table 2. Demographic risk factors for hyperemesis grаviderum requiring hospital admission during pregnancy
  • Table 3. Obstetric risk factors for hyperemesis gravidrum requiring hospital admission during pregnancy
  • Table 4. Comparison between hyperemesis gravidrum group and control group regarding РUQE grade
  • Table 5. Correlation of PQUE score among Hyperemesis gravidrum group and control group with age, body mass index and gestational age
  • Table 6. Distribution of program participants studied women according to their general characteristics (n = 25)
  • Table 7. Distribution of women’s knowledge regarding hyperemesis gravidrum before and after two weeks later of health education program (n = 25)
  • Table 8. Comparison between pre-intervention & post-intervention program regard PUQE grade for hyperemesis gravidrum group (n=25)
  • Table 9. Distribution of women’s total knowledge level about hyperemesis gravidrum before and after two weeks later of the health education program (n = 25)
  • Table 10. Correlation between level of total knowledge score two weeks later of the health education program and socio-demographic characteristics of participating educational program studied group (n = 25)