Tables index


Effect of Newborn-care Practices for Postnatal Mothers on Occurrence of Selected Health Problems among Their Newborn Infants

Eman Mohammed Eraky, Eman Abdel Fattah Hassan

American Journal of Nursing Research. 2018, 6(4), 174-182 doi:10.12691/ajnr-6-4-5
  • Table 1. Percentage distribution of postnatal mothers pre and post- practice regarding eye care (N=50)
  • Table 2. Percentage distribution of postnatal mothers pre and post- practice regarding cord care (N=50)
  • Table 3. Percentage distribution of postnatal mothers pre and post-practice with female new born regarding diaper care (N=38)
  • Table 4. Percentage distribution of postnatal mothers pre and post-practice with male new born regarding diaper care (n=12)
  • Table 5. Comparison between mean of practices regarding the three selected new born care pre and post -practice
  • Table 6. Comparison between level of postnatal mothers practices regarding the new born care in pre and post -practice
  • Table 7. Newborns selected health problems after two weeks from intervention (n=50)