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First Principle Study of the Physical Properties of Platinum (Pt) Decorated Graphene and NH2 Doped Pt-decorated Graphene; Effect on Hydrogen Storage
El Hadji Oumar Gueye, Abdoulaye Ndiaye Dione, Allé Dioum, Baye Modou Ndiaye, Papa Douta Tall, Aboubaker Chédikh Beye
American Journal of Nanomaterials
, 7(1), 30-38 doi:10.12691/ajn-7-1-4
Table 1. Values of adsorption energy of H2 on Pt (Eads) distance between H (d_H-H) and distance between Pt and H (d_Pt_H)
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Table 2. Adsorption energies (Ead) of H2 molecules on Pt atom along with their equilibrium distances between H-H atom (d_H-H) and Pt and H atoms (d_Pt-H)
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Table 3. Values of binding energie (Ebind), d_C-Pt of Pt atom to pristine graphene at three adsorption sites (T, B, and H)
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Table 4. Adsorption energies (Ead) of one H2 molecules in graphene functionalized with Pt atoms (Top, Bridge, Hollow) along with their equilibrium distances between H-H atom (d_H-H), Pt and C atom (d_C-Pt) and Pt and H atoms (d_Pt_H)
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Table 5. Adsorption energies (Ead) of H2 molecules in graphene functionalized with Pt atoms (Top) along with their equilibrium distances between H-H atom (d_H-H), Pt and C atom (d_C-Pt) and Pt and H atoms (d_Pt_H)
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Table 6. Values of binding energie (Ebind), d_C-Pt of Pt-decorated graphene at three adsorption sites (T, B, and H) doped with NH in three different positions (A, B and C)
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Table 7. Adsorption energies (Ead) of one H2 molecules in graphene functionalized with Pt atoms (Top, Bridge, Hollow) and doped with NH in three different position (A, B and C) along with their equilibrium distances between H-H atom (d_H-H), Pt and C atom (d_C-Pt) and Pt and H atoms (d_Pt-H)
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Table 8. Adsorption energies (Ead) of H2 molecules in graphene functionalized with Pt atoms (Top) and doped with NH (B position) along with their equilibrium distances between H-H atom (d_H-H), Pt and C atom (d_C-Pt) and Pt and H atoms (d_Pt-H)
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