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Review of Recent Advances of GaN Nanowires Based Sensors

H. Murad, W. Hashim, Ahmed M. Nahhas

American Journal of Nanomaterials. 2023, 11(1), 61-71 doi:10.12691/ajn-11-1-5
  • Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure open gate pH sensor and the graphic representation of reactions between the POH groups on the sensing surface and other ions in the aqueous solution, where Ga, Al and N atoms are represented by pink, blue and light blue. (b) Schematic illustration of the AlInN/GaN heterostructure open gate pH sensor and the graphic representation of the reactions between the POH groups on the sensing surface and other ions in the aqueous solution, where Al, In and N atoms are represented by blue, green and light blue. The hydrone (water molecules), hydrion (H ion) and hydroxyl ion are shown; O and H are represented by red and gray. (c) top view of one fabricated device [20,64]
  • Figure 2. Threshold voltage of the device with varying pH level of the electrolyte solution [20]
  • Figure 3. (a) Schematic of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure sensor (b) Section diagram of the AlGaN/GaN pressure sensor [3]
  • Figure 4. Partial DOS of the most stable sulfonamide/Au-decorated GaNNT complex [25]
  • Figure 5. Fabrication of the Pt/GaOx/GaN-based Schottky diode sensor [3,20,32]
  • Figure 6. Schematics of the asymmetric MSM AlGaN UV sensor with 24% A [29]
  • Figure 7. Images magnified 90x using a photomicroscope of MS TECH’s MST-8000C probe station: top views of an asymmetric MSM AlGaN UV sensor (a) before and (b) after selective annealing (annealed region is marked with dotted box) [29]
  • Figure 8. Dark state and UV photo responsive I-V of the asymmetric MSM AlGaN UV sensor (a) before and (b) after selective annealing [29]
  • Figure 9. AFM images of the annealed ZnO on sapphire substrate [3,35]
  • Figure 10. a. Schematic representation of a multilayer piezoelectric actuator with opposite poling, b. out-of-plane normal strain (εzz) for Z-stack multilayer actuator, c. out-of-plane shear strain (εxz) for Y-stack multilayer actuator [36]
  • Figure 11. a. SEM image and b. aperture distribution histogram of PGaN electrode [44]
  • Figure 12. Schematic diagram of sensing transmission structure of the GaN sensor for IoT applications [3,48]
  • Figure 13. IDS vs. VRef characteristics of (EGFET) GaN/Al2O3 [50]
  • Figure 14. Repeatability of VHD gas sensor exposed to 150 ppb of NO2 of GaN sensor [3,51]